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Organizational Planning Worksheet


Submitted By nunezeduardo
Words 328
Pages 2
University of Phoenix Material

Organizational Planning Worksheet

Complete each section below. Be sure to cite your sources when necessary.

Fortune 500 Company name


The company’s internal and external stakeholders

|Internal stakeholder’s |External stakeholder’s |
|Mark Line |Employees of Adidas Group |
|Vicky McAllister |Authorisers |
|Francis House |Opinion Formers |
|Francis Wilshaw |Customers |
|Shaun McCarthy |Peers |

Company’s mission and vision

Company’s mission

|Adidas strives to be the leader in sporting goods indsusty. Also committed to continuously strengthening their brands and products to be|
|in a competitive position/ |

Company’s vision

|“It’s all about creating value” |

Company goals

At least one company goal that can be accomplished through a strategic plan

|Diverse Brand Portfolio |

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