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OS X:键盘快捷键
键盘快捷键是通过按下键盘上的组合键来调用 OS X 功能的一种方式。了解有关常见 OS X 键盘快捷键的信息。

要使用键盘快捷键,请同时按下修饰键和字符键。例如,按下 Command 键(标有 符号)和“c”键会将当前选中的任何内容拷贝至剪贴板。这也称为 Command-C 键盘快捷键。在某个 app 的菜单中,您可以看到这些按键映射为很多快捷键。

许多键盘快捷键中都包含修饰键。修饰键将改变 OS X 对其他键击或鼠标/触控板点按动作的解释方式。修饰键包括:Command、Shift、Option、Control、Caps Lock 和 fn 键。这些按键由特殊符号表示,可在 OS X 的菜单和其他组件中看到:

⌘ Command 键
⌃ Control 键
⌥ Option 键
⇧ Shift 键
⇪ Caps Lock fn 功能键
当 fn 键与键盘上的顶行按键配合使用时,这些按键将执行其他功能。例如,如果键盘快捷键是 Control-F2,则您应按键盘上的 fn-Control-亮度组合键。如果您仔细看键盘顶部的亮度键,上面的 F2 符号表示当您按住键盘上的 fn 时,此按键可用作功能键(F2 或功能 2)。

如果您使用包含 Windows 按键的非 Apple 键盘,则 Alt 键相当于 Option 键,Windows 键相当于 Command 键。您可以通过“系统偏好设置”的“键盘”面板更改这些按键的解释方式。

使用这些组合键可更改电脑的启动方式。启动 Mac 后立即按住相关按键或组合键,直到所需的功能出现。例如,启动时按住 Option 键,直到“启动管理器”出现。

注:如果您使用的不是 Apple 制造的键盘,则 Alt 键通常相当于 Option 键。如果此修饰键不起作用,请尝试改用 Apple 键盘。

按键或组合键 功能
Option 或 Alt 显示所有启动宗卷(启动管理器)
Shift 以安全模式启动
左侧 Shift 阻止自动登录
C 从可引导介质(DVD、CD、USB 闪存驱动器)启动
T 以目标磁盘模式启动
N 从 NetBoot 服务器启动
X 强制 OS X 启动(如果非 OS X 启动宗卷可用)
D 使用 Apple Hardware Test
Command-R 使用 OS X 恢复功能(OS X Lion 或更高版本)
Command-V 以详细模式启动
Command-S 以单用户模式启动
Command-Option-P-R 还原 NVRAM/参数 RAM 设置
按住介质推出 (⏏) 键或 F12 键,或者鼠标或触控板按钮 推出活动光盘
Mac 启动后使用这些组合键可让电脑进入睡眠状态、关机或重新启动。

按键或组合键 功能
电源按钮 轻按可开机。开机后,轻按电源按钮可唤醒 OS X Mavericks 或进入睡眠状态。
按住电源按钮 1.5 秒 在 OS X Mavericks 中显示“重新启动”/“睡眠”/“关机”对话框
按住电源按钮 5 秒 强制 Mac 关机
Command-Control-电源按钮 强制 Mac 重新启动
Control-介质推出键 (⏏) 显示“重新启动”/“睡眠”/“关机”对话框
Command-Option-介质推出键 (⏏) 使电脑进入睡眠状态
Command-Control-介质推出键 (⏏) 退出所有应用软件(会让您先存储对已打开文稿所作的更改),然后重新启动电脑
Command-Option-Control-介质推出键 (⏏) 退出所有应用软件(会让您先存储对已打开文稿所作的更改),然后关闭电脑
Shift-Control-介质推出键 (⏏) 使所有显示器进入睡眠状态
使用这些快捷键可拍摄一张屏幕内容的照片。您也可以使用 Grab 拍摄屏幕快照,这款 app 位于“实用工具”文件夹中。

组合键 功能
Command-Shift-3 将屏幕捕捉到文件
Command-Shift-Control-3 将屏幕内容捕捉到剪贴板
Command-Shift-4 将所选屏幕内容捕捉到一个文件,或按空格键仅捕捉一个窗口
Command-Shift-Control-4 将所选屏幕内容捕捉到剪贴板,或按空格键仅捕捉一个窗口
应用软件和其他 OS X 快捷键
这些键盘快捷键适用于大部分 app。

组合键 功能
Command-空格键 显示或隐藏 Spotlight 搜索栏
Command-Option-空格键 显示 Spotlight 搜索结果窗口(如果安装了多语种,则可能循环显示某一脚本中的键盘布局和输入法)
Command-Tab 在打开的应用软件列表中,向下移动到下一个最近使用的应用软件
Command-Shift-Tab 在打开的应用软件列表中向上移动(按最近使用时间排序)
Shift-Tab 按反方向浏览各控件
Control-Tab 将焦点移至对话框中的下一组控件或下一个表格(当 Tab 移到下一个单元格时)
Shift-Control-Tab 将焦点移至上一组控件
Option-介质推出键 (⏏) 从备选光盘驱动器中推出(如果已安装)
Command-F1 切换针对多显示器配置的“镜像显示器”
Command-F2 切换目标显示器模式
Command-F3 显示桌面
Command-F5 切换 VoiceOver 的开关
Option-F1 或 Option-F2 打开“显示器”系统偏好设置
Option-F3 或 Option-F4 打开“Mission Control”偏好设置
Option-F10 或 Option-F11 或 Option-F12 打开“声音”偏好设置
Shift-Control-F6 将焦点移至上一个面板
Control-F7 临时覆盖窗口和对话框中的当前键盘访问模式
Control-F8 移到菜单栏中的状态菜单
Command-重音符 (`) 激活最前面的应用软件中下一个打开的窗口
Command-Shift-重音符 (`) 激活最前面的应用软件中上一个打开的窗口
Command-Option-重音符 (`) 将焦点移至窗口抽屉
Command-减号 (–) 缩小所选项
Command-{ 使所选内容左对齐
Command-} 使所选内容右对齐
Command-| 使所选内容居中对齐
Command-冒号 (:) 显示“拼写和语法”窗口
Command-分号 (;) 查找文稿中拼写错误的词
Command-逗号 (,) 打开最前面的应用软件的偏好设置窗口
Command-Option-Control-逗号 (,) 降低屏幕对比度
Command-Option-Control-句点 (.) 增强屏幕对比度
Command-问号 (?) 在帮助显示程序中打开应用软件的帮助
Command-Option-/ 打开或关闭字体平滑功能
Command-Shift-= 放大所选项
Command-A 高亮显示文稿或窗口中的所有项,或高亮显示文本栏中的所有字符
Command-B 以粗体显示所选文本或切换文本粗体显示开/关
Command-C 将所选数据拷贝到剪贴板
Command-Shift-C 显示“颜色”窗口
Command-Option-C 拷贝所选项的格式设置并存储到剪贴板
Command-Option-V 将剪贴板中的格式设置粘贴(应用)到所选项
Command-Option-D 显示或隐藏 Dock
Command-Control-D 显示所选词的定义
Command-D 选择“打开”和“存储”对话框中的“桌面”文件夹,或选择包含“不存储”按钮的对话框中的“不存储”
Command-Delete 选择包含“删除”或“不存储”按钮的对话框中的“不存储”
Command-E 使用所选内容进行查找
Command-F 打开“查找”窗口
Command-Option-F 移到搜索栏控件
Command-G 查找所选内容出现的下一个位置
Command-Shift-G 查找所选内容出现的上一个位置
Command-H 隐藏当前正在运行的应用软件窗口
Command-Option-H 隐藏所有其他正在运行的应用软件窗口
Command-I 以斜体显示所选文本或切换文本斜体显示开/关
Command-Option-I 显示检查器窗口
Command-M 将活跃窗口最小化至 Dock
Command-Option-M 将活跃应用软件的所有窗口最小化至 Dock
Command-N 在最前面的应用软件中创建新文稿
Command-O 显示一个对话框,用于选择要在最前面的应用软件中打开的文稿
Command-P 显示“打印”对话框
Command-Shift-P 显示用于指定文稿参数(页面设置)的对话框
Command-Q 退出最前面的应用软件
Command-S 存储活跃文稿
Command-Shift-S 显示“存储为”对话框或复制当前文稿
Command-T 显示“字体”窗口
Command-Option-T 显示或隐藏工具栏
Command-U 对所选文本加下划线或打开/关闭加下划线功能
Command-V 在插入点位置粘贴剪贴板内容
Command-Option-V 将某对象的样式应用于所选对象(粘贴样式)
Command-Shift-Option-V 将周围文本的样式应用于所插入对象(粘贴并匹配样式)
Command-Control-V 将格式设置应用于所选对象(粘贴标尺)
Command-W 关闭最前面的窗口
Command-Shift-W 关闭文件及其关联窗口
Command-Option-W 不退出应用软件直接关闭其所有窗口
Command-X 删除所选内容并存储到剪贴板
Command-Z 还原上一命令(有些应用软件允许多次还原)
Command-Shift-Z 重做上一命令(有些应用软件允许多次重做)
Control-空格键 在当前输入源和上一输入源之间切换
Option-Control-空格键 在所有启用的输入源之间切换
Command-Option-esc 选取要强制退出的应用软件
Command-Shift-Option-Esc(按住三秒钟) 强制退出最前面的应用软件
Command-左中括号 ([) 上一浏览器网页
Command-右中括号 (]) 下一浏览器网页


fn-Delete 向前删除(适用于便携式 Mac 的内建键盘) fn-上箭头 向上滚动一页(相当于 Page Up 键) fn-下箭头 向下滚动一页(相当于 Page Down 键) fn-左箭头 滚动至文稿开头(相当于 Home 键) fn-右箭头 滚动至文稿末尾(相当于 End 键)
Command-右箭头 将文本插入点移至当前行的行尾
Command-左箭头 将文本插入点移至当前行的行首
Command-下箭头 将文本插入点移至文稿末尾
Command-上箭头 将文本插入点移至文稿开头
Option-右箭头 将文本插入点移至下一个单词的末尾
Option-左箭头 将文本插入点移至上一个单词的开头
Option-Delete 删除光标左侧的词,以及词后的任何空格或标点符号

选中插入点与当前行行尾之间的文本 (*)
Command-Shift-左箭头 选中插入点与当前行行首之间的文本 (*)
Command-Shift-上箭头 选中插入点与文稿开头之间的文本 (*)
Command-Shift-下箭头 选中插入点与文稿末尾之间的文本 (*)
Shift-左箭头 将文本选择范围向左扩展一个字符 (*)
Shift-右箭头 将文本选择范围向右扩展一个字符 (*)
Shift-上箭头 将文本选择范围扩展到上一行相同水平位置的最近字符边缘 (*)
Shift-下箭头 将文本选择范围扩展到下一行相同水平位置的最近字符边缘 (*)
Shift-Option-右箭头 将文本选择范围扩展到当前词的词尾,再按一次则扩展到后一词的词尾 (*)
Shift-Option-左箭头 将文本选择范围扩展到当前词的词首,再按一次则扩展到后一词的词首 (*)
Shift-Option-下箭头 将文本选择范围扩展到当前段落的段尾,再按一次则扩展到下一段落的结尾 (*)
Shift-Option-上箭头 将文本选择范围扩展到当前段落的段首,再按一次则扩展到下一段落的段首 (*)
Control-A 移至行或段落的开头
Control-B 向后移动一个字符
Control-D 删除光标前的字符
Control-E 移至行或段落的开头
Control-F 向前移动一个字符
Control-H 删除光标后的字符
Control-K 删除从光标前的字符到行或段落末尾的所有内容
Control-L 将光标或所选内容置于可见区域中央
Control-N 下移一行
Control-O 在光标后插入一行
Control-P 上移一行
Control-T 调换光标前后的字符
Control-V 下移

这些键盘快捷键可帮助您通过键盘或辅助设备控制 Mac。

辅助功能和 VoiceOver 键盘命令

组合键 功能
Command-Option-F5 显示辅助功能选项
Command-F5 或 fn-Command-F5 打开或关闭 VoiceOver
Option-Control-F8 或 fn-Option-Control-F8 打开 VoiceOver 实用工具(如果 VoiceOver 已打开)
Option-Control-F7 或 fn-Option-Control-F7 显示 VoiceOver 菜单(如果 VoiceOver 已打开)
Option-Control-分号 (;) 启用或停用 VoiceOver
Command-Option-8 打开或关闭缩放功能
Command-Option-加号 (+) 放大
Command-Option-减号 (–) 缩小
Command-Option-Control-8 反转/复原屏幕颜色(OS X Lion 或更低版本)
Command-Option-Control-逗号 (,) 降低对比度(OS X Lion 或更低版本)
Command-Option-Control-句点 (.) 增强对比度(OS X Lion 或更低版本)
注:您可能需要启用“将 F1、F2 等键用作标准功能键”(在“键盘”偏好设置中),才能使 VoiceOver 菜单和实用工具正常工作。


通过全键盘控制,您可以使用键盘进行导航,并与屏幕上的项目进行交互。使用这些快捷键可选择并调整文本栏和滑块等控件。按 Control-F7 或从“系统偏好设置”中“键盘”偏好设置的“快捷键”面板中选择“全键盘控制”,可以切换此设置开/关。

组合键 功能
Tab 移至下一个控件
Shift-Tab 移至上一个控件
Control-Tab 已选择文本栏时移至下一个控件

Control-箭头键 移至与文本栏相邻的控件
空格键 选择高亮显示的菜单项
Return 或 Enter 键 点按默认按钮或执行默认操作
Esc 键 点按“取消”按钮,或
您可以在菜单栏中浏览菜单,而无需使用鼠标或触控板。若要将焦点置于菜单栏中,请按 Control-F2(便携式键盘上的 fn-Control-F2)。然后使用下列组合键。

组合键 功能
左箭头和右箭头 从一个菜单移到另一个菜单
Return 打开所选菜单
上箭头和下箭头 移至所选菜单中的菜单项
键入菜单项的名称 跳到所选菜单中的菜单项
Return 选择菜单项
辅助功能 - 鼠标键


组合键 功能
8 或数字小键盘上的 8 上移
K 或数字小键盘上的 2 下移
U 或数字小键盘上的 4 左移
O 或数字小键盘上的 6 右移
J 或数字小键盘上的 1 沿对角线向左下角移
L 或数字小键盘上的 3 沿对角线向右下角移
7 或数字小键盘上的 7 沿对角线向左上角移
9 或数字小键盘上的 9 沿对角线向右上角移
I 或数字小键盘上的 5 按鼠标按钮
M 或数字小键盘上的 0 按住鼠标按钮
.(句点键) 释放按住的鼠标按钮
Finder 快捷键
组合键 功能
Command-A 选中最前面的 Finder 窗口中的所有项(如果未打开任何窗口,则选中桌面内容)
Command-Option-A 取消选择所有项
Command-Shift-A 打开“应用程序”文件夹
Command-C 将所选项或文本拷贝到剪贴板
Command-Shift-C 打开“电脑”窗口
Command-D 复制所选项
Command-Shift-D 打开“桌面”文件夹
Command-E 推出
Command-F 查找任何匹配 Spotlight 属性的内容
Command-Shift-F 查找 Spotlight 文件名匹配项
Command-Option-F 导航到已打开的 Spotlight 窗口中的搜索栏
Command-Shift-G 前往文件夹
Command-Shift-H 打开当前已登录用户帐户的个人文件夹
Command-Control-T 添加到边栏 (OS X Mavericks)
Command-I 显示简介
Command-Option-I 显示检查器
Command-Control-I 获得摘要信息
Command-Shift-I 打开 iDisk
Command-J 调出“显示”选项
Command-K 连接到服务器
Command-Shift-K 打开“网络”窗口
Command-L 为所选项制作替身
Command-M 最小化窗口
Command-Option-M 最小化所有窗口
Command-N 新建 Finder 窗口
Command-Shift-N 新建文件夹
Command-Option-N 新建智能文件夹
Command-O 打开所选项
Command-Shift-Q 注销
Command-Shift-Option-Q 立即注销
Command-R 显示(替身的)原身
Command-T 添加 Finder 标签 (OS X Mavericks)
Command-Shift-T 显示或隐藏 Finder 标签 (OS X Mavericks)
Command-Option-T 隐藏或显示 Finder 窗口中的工具栏
Command-Shift-U 打开“实用工具”文件夹
Command-V 粘贴
Command-W 关闭窗口
Command-Option-W 关闭所有窗口
Command-X 剪切
Command-Option-Y 幻灯片显示(Mac OS X v10.5 或更高版本)
Command-Z 撤销
Command-1 以图标显示
Command-2 以列表方式显示
Command-3 以分栏方式显示
Command-4 以 Cover Flow 方式显示(Mac OS X v10.5 或更高版本)
Command-逗号 (,) 打开 Finder 偏好设置
Command-重音符 (`)(美式英语键盘布局中 Tab 键上方的重音符键) 循环显示打开的 Finder 窗口
Command-Shift-问号 (?) 打开 Mac 帮助
Command-左中括号 ([) 前往上一文件夹
Command-右中括号 (]) 前往下一文件夹
Command-上箭头 打开包含当前文件夹的文件夹
Command-Control-上箭头 在新窗口中打开包含当前文件夹的文件夹
Command-下箭头 打开高亮显示的项目
Command-Shift-上箭头 使桌面处于活跃状态
右箭头(以列表视图显示) 打开所选文件夹
左箭头(以列表视图显示) 关闭所选文件夹
Option-点按显示三角形(以列表视图显示) 打开所选文件夹内的所有文件夹
Option-连按 在单独窗口中打开文件夹,并关闭当前窗口
Command-连按 在单独窗口中打开文件夹
Command-点按窗口标题 查看包含当前窗口的文件夹
Command-Tab 切换应用软件 - 向前循环显示
Command-Shift-Tab 切换应用软件 - 向后循环显示
Command-Delete 移至废纸篓
Command-Shift-Delete 清倒废纸篓
Command-Shift-Option-Delete 清倒废纸篓(不显示确认对话框)
空格键(或 Command-Y) 快速查看(Mac OS X v10.5 或更高版本)
拖移时按 Command 键 将拖移的项目移至其他宗卷或位置
拖移时按 Option 键 拷贝拖移的项目
拖移时按 Command-Option 组合键 为拖移的项目制作替身

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Mac Os

...- Mac 101 - Connect and Use Your Devices “My Mac needs help” (Troubleshooting 101) 2 lessons Apple - Support - Mac 101 - Troubleshooting 101 “My Mac Cheat Sheet” Whether your Mac asks you for certain information or you're seeking help from Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider (AASP), there may come a time when you need to have access to your serial number, hardware configuration, passwords, email server or internet access information. And then you discover that you've either forgotten or misplaced this information. page 1 Here is a link to a PDF form where you can keep all your basic information. kbase/304752/my_mac_cheat_sheet.pdf This form can also be found on the last page of this handout. Switch 101 If you're a PC user who has just switched to the Mac and want to find out how to adapt your old working habits to the Mac OS, this is the right place. Visit Switch 101: The former PC user's guide to getting the most out of your Mac. Apple - Support - Switch 101 Mac Videos and Text Tutorials Apple - Find Out How - Mac Basics What is covered Mac Basics Photos Movies Web Music iWork MobileMe Mac Basics Apple - Find Out How - Mac Basics Videos tutorials available on Mac Basics Get Started with Mac (37) Anatomy of a Mac Move to Mac Windows on a Mac page 2 PC to Mac: The Basics...

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Os X for Legacy Macs a utility from Other World Computing which helps to install and boot Mac OS X, Mac OS X Server, and Darwin on certain unsupported systems. When Mac OS X installs successfully, its stability on unsupported systems appears to be excellent. However, there are cases in which Mac OS X is difficult to install, and there are a variety of problems you can run into. So read carefully. You should also remember to check the online version of this documentation from time to time, to see whether there have been any changes. Here's a quick link to download the latest version. Previous versions are also available in the version history below, along with a list of changes. XPostFacto 4 (disk image) (or in the older .sit format) XPostFacto is an open-source application which you may download and try without registration. However, I encourage you to contribute to the ongoing work on XPostFacto by registering as an XPostFacto user ($25). This helps to support the continuing development of XPostFacto, and also gives you an account on the tech support forum. If you are already a registered user of XPostFacto, you can make a contribution to its continuing development. If you want to redistribute XPostFacto, then consult the license terms (which have changed a little for XPostFacto 4). What's New Here's what is new in version 4.0: Supports Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)! Runs on Mac OS 9.x or 10.2 through 10.4. Will install Mac OS X 10.2 through 10.4. Works with "New World" machines that Apple dropped support...

Words: 14988 - Pages: 60

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Progress with Technology: Do More with Less

...components to a system that allows you to get the best use of your computer. Common daily uses of mail, iCal and contacts are interchangeable between your Mac and PC. The compatibility of the Mac allows you to open most files from software that a PC uses. There are a number of input devices that can be useful to enhance your technology. The use of trackballs, multiple mouse options to suit the needs of the user, and scanners that will allow you to digitally store forms and paperwork. Sending these to different departments for their use decreases the need for paper and reduces storage room for paper files. Planning for the storage of these files is important. A structure for backing up information or data is a must and can benefit for a quick reference no matter the date of the file. Organizing the process is critical at the start of the implementation. Having multiple ways to store information from a simple jump drive, to complete system back up storage in the need of systems failures. Maintaining a regular process of backing up information or having a default system to automatically back up critical data is a safe, onsite way to returning to normal operations in a short matter of time. Using cloud storage of information can be another option...

Words: 2426 - Pages: 10

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Ip Virtualization

...M. Bishop AIU Online 09/18/2013 Abstract The Future of virtualization and cloud computing is here. More and More companies are realizing the benefits of this technology and eager to take advantage. Not only does this technology save time and money, but also allows the use of all the variable operating systems available without purchasing new computer system(s). Virtualization Virtualization is the ability to run multiple operating systems on one computer system, the virtual software acts as a go between for the main computer’s OS and the virtual OS(s). The primary computer‘s central processing unit (CPU), random access memory (RAM), hard disk drive (HDD), network, peripherals, etc. is accessible by the virtual system. Virtual Software Recommendation One would suggest VirtualBox due to its efficient installation, simplicity in understanding, together with the user-friendliness. VirtualBox can run on Windows, Mac OS X, and Solaris as well as Linux. The correct software name “Oracle VM VirtualBox” and is available for download at This product can be downloaded free for home users, and for enterprise users the cost is $50 per named user. Oracle VirtualBox not only boast so many phenomenal features but the high performance has for enterprise users leaves nothing to be desired. Planning for space needed for the operating system, memory, and hard drive space for each VMs is crucial...

Words: 638 - Pages: 3

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Unix, Linux, Mac Os, Windows Os Comparison

...Introduction The most commonly known Operating Systems (OS) today are UNIX, Linux, MacOS, and Windows. These operating systems all behave in their own way and similar in others. This paper will discuss this comparison of how these operating systems utilize memory, process handling, file management, and security. Memory Management Each operating system is required to allocate a certain amount of memory for the operating system itself for the processes that are being used or executed. There are two places memory exists: physically on the motherboard of the computer and within the operating system itself. When the operating system dynamically divides the memory usage between these two areas, this is called memory management. Each operating system manages memory different from the others; however they all follow some basic rules of memory management. All of the operating system’s memory management in general follows these requirements: relocation, protection, sharing, logical organization, and physical organization (Stallings, 2015). Relocation of memory is the process that allows the operating system to move a process or file from physical memory to virtual memory and back again, depending on the need for that data. Virtual memory exists within the operating system which uses the hard drive to store temporary information and physical memory is located on the motherboard of the computer. While the process is in memory, protection of that area needs to be enabled to...

Words: 2918 - Pages: 12

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... About Xcode Developer Tools Xcode 3.1.4 developer tools for Mac OS X v10.5 Contents Introduction Compatibility with Mac OS X Versions What's New Installation Deprecation Notice Introduction Xcode 3.1.4 is an update and bug fix release to the Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard developer tools. This release includes new, optional GCC and LLVM compilers, updated project assistant, a simplified toolbar, and additional bug fixes and security enhancements. You do not need to install this package if you have already installed the iPhone SDK for iPhone OS 3.0. The complete Xcode developer tools are included as part of the iPhone SDK installation (download available separately). We encourage developers to join the Apple Developer Connection. It provides the most convenient access to Apple Inc. development resources, technical support and pre-release software. For information visit Compatibility with Mac OS X Versions Xcode 3.1.4 is compatible with Intel and PowerPC Macs running Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. Xcode 3.1.4 supports development targeting Mac OS X v10.3 Panther and Universal applications for Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger and Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard using the Mac OS X SDK support. What's New • • • • • SDK support for targeting non-Mac OS X platforms, including iPhone OS SDK. GCC 4.2 & LLVM GCC 4.2 optional compilers for use with Mac OS X 10.5 SDK Updated assistants to create new projects, targets, and source files Toolbar uses a single popup to choose platform, target...

Words: 2017 - Pages: 9

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...Alternatives Recommendation Alliance with Microsoft Thank you! Focus on Low cost devices Pros: Even more reduce the cost and controls the emerging market Down structuring the company and operates more efficiently Cons: Smartphone market is rising rapidly Smartphone is replacing cell phone Nokia is still the leader in smartphone market by 2009 Alliance with OS provider Pros: Quick respond time Better compatibility, better performance Improved R&D Brand name Cons: Less control on the product Share revenue with alliance company Why Microsoft? 2007-2008 51%-40% for Nokia 68%-47% for Symbian Nokia's R&D team was not reliable anymore Nokia must return to the market with its new product ASAP to stop the decline Both sides need help to compete with Apple and RIM Complement each other (Hardware and Software) WP system has more experience than other reachable OS Problem statements What's Nokia's next move? Should they focus primarily on developed or on emerging markets? Or both? Threat of new entrants - high High technology requirement High start-up fund requirement Bargaining power of supplier - low Marketing leader Bargaining power of buyer - moderated sell to operator and retailer Threat of substitutes - no substitute no real substitute can replace mobile phone Rivalry among competing firms - high Core Competency Core-Competencies Valuable Rare Costly to Imitate Non-Substitutable Business Level Strategy: Unclear due...

Words: 844 - Pages: 4

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Intel® Celeron® Processor 877

...GT/s Instruction Set 64-bit Instruction Set Extensions SSE4.x Embedded Options Available No Lithography 32 nm Recommended Customer Price N/A Datasheet Link - Performance # of Cores 2 # of Threads 2 Processor Base Frequency 1.4 GHz TDP 17 W - Memory Specifications Max Memory Size (dependent on memory type) 16 GB Memory Types DDR3 1066/1333 Max # of Memory Channels 2 Max Memory Bandwidth 21.3 GB/s ECC Memory Supported ‡ No - Graphics Specifications Processor Graphics ‡ Intel® HD Graphics Graphics Base Frequency 350 MHz Graphics Max Dynamic Frequency 1 GHz Graphics Output eDP/DP/HDMI/SDVO/CRT Intel® Quick Sync Video No Intel® InTru™ 3D Technology No Intel® Insider™ No­Celeron­Processor­877­2M­Cache­1_40­GHz 1/5 4/5/2016 Intel® Celeron® Processor 877 (2M Cache, 1.40 GHz) Specifications Intel® Wireless Display No Intel® Flexible Display Interface (Intel® FDI) Yes Intel® Clear Video HD Technology No Intel® Clear Video Technology No # of Displays Supported ‡ 2 - Expansion Options PCI Express Revision 2.0 PCI Express Configurations ‡ 1x16, 2x8, 1x8 2x4 Max # of PCI Express Lanes 16 - Package Specifications Max CPU Configuration 1 TJUNCTION 100C Package Size 31.0mm x 24.0mm (BGA1023) Graphics and IMC Lithography 32 nm Low Halogen...

Words: 1956 - Pages: 8

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...featured an English language-based scripting language called Hyper Talk, which HyperCard programmers used to embed logic and behavior within a HyperCard stack. A HyperCard stack, by the way, was very much like a collection of Web pages, except that it all ran as part of a desktop application. You could create links and program buttons to perform certain actions. In many ways, HyperCard was an important forerunner of all the hypermedia projects and tools that followed, including CD-ROMs and the Web. In fact, the only thing that kept HyperCard from becoming the first Web browser was its focus on local stacks of cards, as opposed to network-oriented stacks. About AppleScript AppleScript is a scripting language that provides direct control of scriptable applications and scriptable parts of the Mac OS. A scriptable application is one that can respond to a variety of Apple events by performing operations or supplying data. An Apple event is a type of inter process message that can encapsulate commands and data of arbitrary complexity. By providing an API that supports these mechanisms, the “Open Scripting Architecture” makes possible one of the most powerful features in OS X the ability to write scripts that automate operations with multiple applications. AppleScript scripts can be used to perform repetitive tasks, automate complex workflows, control applications on local or remote computers, and access web services. Because script writers can access features in any scriptable application...

Words: 2612 - Pages: 11

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Poc Plan

...POC Planning Document POC GOALS: • To test the Maximo upgrade from the current version of Maximo 4.01 to version 6 ensuring full data integrity and accuracy. • The POC must ensure that the Maximo software is fully operational within the Illovo architecture and environment i.e. the POC must test co-existence with all other Illovo software products and hardware. • The POC must also ensure that all re-worked existing application interfaces are fully operational on the upgraded version. • The following new requirements must be met: - Provision of a scheduling tool and full integration with MS project - Fully operational new interfaces as defined in the Functional Specification • All existing application customisations must be re-applied and must be fully functional • Reports as defined in the functional specification must be fully functional • The POC must also result in a standard migration path being documented to ensure a smooth rollout and implementation process. • To select/Replace the thin client (NCD 200) with new models that meet business requirements (Group replacement) • To select and install hardware for the Maximo Application/Report server (Maximo & Kronos Sites only) • The architecture selected must cater for SA and African Maximo hardware requirements. APPLICATION POC OBJECTIVES • To migrate all current Maximo transactional data from version 4.01 to the new release version...

Words: 4365 - Pages: 18

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Apple Ios

... Department] ABSTRACT iOS is Apple's mobile operating system developed originally for the iPhone, and later deployed on the iPod Touch and iPad as well. It is derived from Mac OS X, with which it shares the Darwin foundation, and is therefore a Unix-like operating system, by nature. In iOS, there are four abstraction layers: the Core OS layer, the Core Services layer, the Media layer, and the Cocoa Touch layer. The operating system uses roughly 500 megabytes of the device's storage. Version 4, announced in April 2010, introduced multitasking as well as several business-oriented features, including encryption for email and attachments. At the WWDC 2010 keynote on June 7, 2010, Apple announced that iPhone OS had been renamed iOS. Apple licenses the trademark for "iOS" from Cisco Systems (who own IOS), the same company with which Apple had earlier settled a dispute over the "iPhone" trademark. iOS 4 was released on June 21, 2010, three days before the iPhone 4. Staggering product launches reduces strain on Apple's servers. iOS 4 is the first version of the OS to be a free upgrade on the iPod touch; Apple had charged $9.99 for earlier upgrades. Apple previously announced that iPad users with 3.x software would receive a free upgrade to the next major (4.x) release. New features...

Words: 10024 - Pages: 41

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Intro to Linux

...A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming SECOND EDITION ® Mark G. Sobell Upper Saddle River, NJ • Boston • Indianapolis • San Francisco New York • Toronto • Montreal • London • Munich • Paris • Madrid Capetown • Sydney • Tokyo • Singapore • Mexico City Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed with initial capital letters or in all capitals. The author and publisher have taken care in the preparation of this book, but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of the information or programs contained herein. The publisher offers excellent discounts on this book when ordered in quantity for bulk purchases or special sales, which may include electronic versions and/or custom covers and content particular to your business, training goals, marketing focus, and branding interests. For more information, please contact: U.S. Corporate and Government Sales (800) 382-3419 For sales outside the United States, please contact: International Sales Visit us on the Web: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication...

Words: 228961 - Pages: 916

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...H61M-VGS R2.0 / H61M-VS R2.0 User Manual Version 1.0 Published September 2011 Copyright©2011 ASRock INC. All rights reserved. 1 Copyright Notice: No part of this manual may be reproduced, transcribed, transmitted, or translated in any language, in any form or by any means, except duplication of documentation by the purchaser for backup purpose, without written consent of ASRock Inc. Products and corporate names appearing in this manual may or may not be registered trademarks or copyrights of their respective companies, and are used only for identification or explanation and to the owners’ benefit, without intent to infringe. Disclaimer: Specifications and information contained in this manual are furnished for informational use only and subject to change without notice, and should not be constructed as a commitment by ASRock. ASRock assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions that may appear in this manual. With respect to the contents of this manual, ASRock does not provide warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties or conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall ASRock, its directors, officers, employees, or agents be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages (including damages for loss of profits, loss of business, loss of data, interruption of business and the like), even if ASRock has been advised of the possibility of such damages...

Words: 10792 - Pages: 44

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Smartphones Operating Systems

...Operating system : An operating system (OS) is a collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs. The operating system is an essential component of the system software in a computer system. Application programs usually require an operating system to function. Time-sharing operating systems schedule tasks for efficient use of the system and may also include accounting software for cost allocation of processor time, mass storage, printing, and other resources. For hardware functions such as input and output and memory allocation, the operating system acts as an intermediary between programs and the computer hardware, although the application code is usually executed directly by the hardware and will frequently make a system call to an OS function or be interrupted by it. Operating systems can be found on almost any device that contains a computer—from cellular phones and video game consoles to supercomputers and web servers. Examples of popular modern operating systems include Android, BSD, iOS, Linux, OS X, QNX, Microsoft Windows, Windows Phone, and IBM z/OS. All these, except Windows, Windows Phone and z/OS, share roots in UNIX. Smartphone A Smartphone, or smart phone, is a mobile phone built on a mobile operating system, with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than a feature phone. The first smartphones combined the functions of a personal digital assistant (PDA), including email...

Words: 15551 - Pages: 63

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Help Friends by Sending a Gift!

... Introducing Operating Systems I n Chapter 1, you were introduced to the different hardware devices. In this chapter, you’ll learn about the different operating systems, how they are designed and work, and what they do. You’ll learn about the different components of an OS and see how an OS provides the interface that users and applications need to command and use hardware devices. You’ll learn to use several Windows tools and utilities that are useful to examine a system, change desktop settings, and view and manage some hardware devices. As you work through this chapter, you’ll learn that computer systems contain both hardware and software and that it’s important for you as a computer technician to understand how they work together. Although the physical hardware is the visible part of a computer system, the software is the intelligence of the system that makes it possible for hardware components to work. 35 9781133726890, A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Jean Andrews - © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization 36 CHAPTER 2 Introducing Operating Systems OPERATING SYSTEMS PAST AND PRESENT An operating system (OS) is software that controls a computer. It manages hardware, runs applications, provides an interface for users, and stores, retrieves, and manipulates files. In general, you can think of an operating system as the middleman between applications and hardware, between the user and...

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