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Outline Literature


Submitted By Amy1994
Words 557
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Detail Outline
. Introduction
. Hundreds of people are blaming hackers after the nude picture form Jennifer Lawrence was posted online.
. But today I am goanna rhetorically analysis an editorial “Hackers expose nude photos of celebrities, but who’s at fault?” written by S.E. Cupp from the New York Daily News, published on September 2, 2014, which pointed out a different view that is do not take nude pictures if you do not want them posted online instead of just blaming the hacker.
. I think the potential audiences the author tries to convince are those who use electronic devices and internet every day.
. In order to make this editorial effective, the author uses three main strategies: quotations, analogies and examples.
. Main body
. First strategy
1. Using quotation from others make her claim more effective.
2. She quotes several public persons’ opinion about this nude picture event to make her editorial more convincible.
3. Examples:
a. the tweet from the Comedian Ricky Gervais says: “Celebrities, make it harder for hackers to get nude pics of you from your computer by not putting nude pics of yourself on your computer.”
b. Twitter from Anne Frank, professor at University of Miami School of Law, she tweeted after she saw Ricky Gervais’ tweet:” make it harder for hackers to steal your credit card by not owning a credit card.”
4. Using the influence of public persons to support her claim, makes the editorial more convincing.
5. Because of the influences of public person, it makes audience easier to figure out author’s position and makes the editorial more effective.
. Second strategy:
1. Using analogy to make the editorial more effective
2. Analogizing similar subjects with nude pictures.
3. Examples:
a. Credit card: the similar part of credit card with nude pics is that they are all kind of private, do not use it in public area if you do not want others steal it
b. Other valuable things, such as flashy cars, expensive jewelry, tec. People own these valuable things should be more suspicious..
4. Author says:” just as it is rational and reasonable to suggest protecting your credit cards and expensive things from fraud and theft, it is rational and reasonable to suggest the same of your nude photos.”
5. By pointing this out, the author convinces audience again not to take nude pictures with unsafe devices.
. Third strategy:
1. Using examples to support author’s opinion.
2. Gives us a bunch of examples to illustrate “things that don’t need defending” means to demonstrate her claim that it is not about whose fault, do not take nude picture if you do not want them online.
3. Examples:
a. Celebrities already have their great lawyers to defend them.
b. Privacy is already protected by the laws, hacking into others’ computer is illegal, hackers would be punished eventually.
4. The author uses these examples to convince audience that the effort exerted by the “self-appointed defenders” is actually useless we should switch our focus on the essence, which is the claim author try to convince her audience.
. Conclusion:
. the author uses quotations, analogy and examples to add effectiveness and makes the audience who uses electronic devices and internet everyday more convince about her claim
. It is not about whose fault, do not take nude photos using unsafe electronic devices if you don’t want them posted online

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