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Outline One Contemporary Issue from the Social Approach and Discuss This Issue Using at Least 3 Concepts or Theories from This Approach


Submitted By tinkerbell77
Words 806
Pages 4
Why does football hooliganism occur? Football hooliganism has been occurring for decades but has only become recognised by the government and media as being a problem in the last 40 years or so. Football associated violence occurs before and after matches where mobs of supporters roam the streets surrounding the grounds, causing trouble. Football related offences have continued to occur, despite the football clubs efforts to ban alcohol and provide seating for spectators. The source of the violence is triggered by feelings of hostility that supporters hold towards their rivals. Some psychologists believe another cause of the hooliganism is to reflect the search of high levels of emotional arousal after enduring long periods of boredom. The importance of this issue is demonstrated by the large number of incidents where several deaths have been the result of violence.

One explanation for the occurrence of football hooliganism is the Frustration-Aggression theory (Freud and Dollard et al). Freud believed that when people get frustrated they displace it onto a scapegoat and not onto the source of the frustration. Dollard developed this by suggesting that frustration leads to aggression, which is what people displace onto another target. With relevance to football hooliganism, fans may become frustrated after either losing a game or watching poor play from players. Moreover, the fans are unable to relieve their aggression on the players themselves because they have legitimate power which prevents most people from expressing violence towards them. Therefore, they displace their aggression onto a scapegoat, which in this instance is the opposing team’s fans. A weakness of this theory is that Berkowitz showed that frustration does lead to aggression, but not specifically to prejudice. Thus there may be other factors involved such as pre-existing prejudice which is

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