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P-Political Factors Affecting The Healthcare Environment

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PEST Analysis

P- Political Factors affecting the healthcare environment
Insurance mandates, such as the individual mandate, are an element in the political sphere that could have an impact on healthcare. The individual mandate requires that individuals or families have health insurance or pay a penalty. Although it has recently been repealed, it continues to affect the healthcare environment, as many will continue to be uninsured.

E- Economic Factors affecting the healthcare environment
Unemployment is an example of how economic factors affect the healthcare environment. If people are losing their jobs this means there will be a greater loss of health insurance coverage, which will affect the type of health services people receive.

S- Sociocultural Factors
Demographics, values, and beliefs of various consumer groups should be identified in a PEST analysis. Organizations should be knowledgeable about the community it serves to avoid violating community values. For example, the Hispanic population is a growing population and as of 2017, the percentage of Hispanics in the United States is 17.8 (

T- Technological Factors …show more content…
New equipment is constantly being manufactured and used. For example, Electronic Health Records and the meaningful use criteria are important factors to consider as the hospital may have to restructure their organizations around the new advancements. New technology outside the healthcare field could also affect how an organization communicates with their patients/stakeholders. A recent example of this is the fact that hospitals are interested in using the Amazon Echo device as it may be lifesaving in the ICU, regular medical floors, and operating rooms due to the voice recognition

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