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Paper on Chopin


Submitted By quan1107
Words 688
Pages 3
Chopin Documentary “The Women Behind the Music”
The Women Behind the music is a documentary on the life of Romantic Era virtuoso pianist, Frederic Chopin . This documentary starts off by giving us a little background info on Chopin himself. The narrator describes Chopin as a quiet and shy man. Chopin wrote over 250 compositions for the piano. The inspiration for Chopin’s music was not only the piano, but it was also the human voice, particularly the female’s voice. Chopin’s music was an inspiration of passion for both the players and the listener. All in all, this documentary celebrates the 200th anniversary of Chopin by following James Rhodes, a young pianist who set out to discover who put the song into Chopin. As the narrator introduces James Rhodes, Rhodes is playing Chopin’s 4th Ballade in F Minor OP.52. I really liked this Ballade; the melody is so sweet and the tempo is so soothing. Chopin’s genius was to create a whole new language for the piano, a language that was heavily influenced by his passion for opera singing. Chopin was obsessed with the Italian Opera of the Day , Belcanto, the opera of Rossini. Belcanto literally means “Beautiful Singing”. Chopin was born in 1810 and grew up in the city of Warsaw in a time where Poland was very peaceful. Chopin was taught by his mother to play the piano. By the age of 7, Chopin was already composing on the instrument. By the age of 8, Chopin was referred to in the press as a musical genius. Chopin started going to the operas at the young age of 11, and he loved it! Chopin also loved the Belcanto sytle singing. Chopin would use different notes to emphasize the texture of the music to create beautiful harmony like a singer accompanying perfectly with a song. Chopin knew exactly how to match the Belcanto style of singing. The city of Paris is where Chopin finally found himself after leaving Poland at the age of 21.

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