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Performance Management


Submitted By ab2006
Words 308
Pages 2
A company’s success largely depends on productivity and efficiency. Teamwork and the strength of working relationships among the people serving the company are also important. Disruptive behavior by any employee can seriously challenge teamwork, and reduce productivity and efficiency. It also can damage the effectiveness of a business.

first step is to develop a written policy together with my mangers with in full consultation with the employees. The process of the policy development is as important as the policy statement itself. Joint work between employees and mangers helps to show what causes unwanted behavior, involving employees leads to to develops trust and confidence between employees and mangers.

Policy awareness:

policy awareness can help employees increase awareness of individual responsibilities. familiarity and understanding of acceptable behavior. recognition of continued commitment by senior management. Training:

the success of dealing with the unwanted behavior initiative depends on a planned and systematic education and training program. The content of training programs must fit the needs of employees.

Knowledge: explain the type of behaviors marked as unwanted behaviors. Describe what is reasonable and what is unreasonable behavior.


how to recognize bad behavior. How to solve it quickly.

Promoting healthy workplace environments:

tensions can happen in any job, and in healthy organizational cultures those tensions can viewed as a good thing because it help change the working environment as needed. Mangers play an important role in implementing the rules against the unwanted behaviors.

Guidelines for mangers to deal with unwanted behaviors: approach the employee directly before it can effect the business talk about options to reduce the employee stress.
See other employees if they have same issue.
Remind employee about company police regarding behavior.
If the behavior of the employee doesn't improve terminate him/her.

I will monitor my mangers by observation and feedback. After that I can use some Follow-Up Discussion

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