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Personal Responsibility and College Successxx


Submitted By louanna1216
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College Success and Personal Responsibility Louanna Garcia GEN/200 Stacie Sedlmayer February 27, 2012 Personal responsibility is being responsible for one's own actions. Each of "us," as individuals is responsible for our successes in life. We have to assume responsibility for our own actions. Accepting responsibility what we do right and wrong in our lives. Be .proud of we accomplish and correcting mistakes that are made. Every student should be very proud to earn a college degree. This accomplishment shows determination, stamina, hard work and, responsibility . Hard work and determination will help us reach our goal. Part of that hard work is learning to manage time effectively. Set aside specific times for studying. Learning which time of the day or night is the best study time. Some people can study with the radio or television on. For others this would be a distraction. Some may be able to study with their families in the room. You have to find what is right for you. I study best after I have taken care of my family. When they have been fed, bathed, their homework is complete, and everyone is down for the night. I have my quiet time to devote several hours of uninterrupted time . My family understands that earning this degree is very important to me and respects the time that I ask for. Of course, you cannot anticipate the unexpected like a sick child during the night. Being prepared helps for those little unexpected interruptions. By being prepared I mean do not wait until the last minute. Procrastination is probably one of the biggest mistakes for college students. By being, as prepared as we can and using our time effectively a little emergency should not throw you off too much. There is a large amount if reading involved in the courses we take. I would suggest keeping reading assignment with you. We waste time waiting at doctors' appointments. This is a perfect opportunity to get in a little reading. We can read many places . we wait. Keeping a copy of the syllabus with you and a calendar with notes when assignments are due will help check your class assignments daily. Something may change so prepared for it. No one can earn your college degree for you. Once accomplished it is an achievement that you can be proud of. Earning my Associate's Degree in Respiratory Therapy was exciting and a huge accomplish. I quit school when I was in the eleventh grade to have my first child. I remember leaving the counselors office they day I quit she said good luck. What she did not think I heard was her mumbling under her breath as her next statement was because you will need it. That statement always stayed with me. I was not a quitter I was just starting my family early. I had two more children before I started college full time. Determination and drive is how I earned my first degree and I did it with three small children a home. Join Now

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