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Personification In Macbeth

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This scene in Macbeth is set on a heath near Forres after the witches mysteriously disappeared. This play was designed to frighten the people who lived in the Elizabethan era, as they took witches immensely seriously. They are intended to envision a gloomy and stormy scene where the witches would practice their mischievous acts. In Macbeth, much like all of Shakespeare's other work, there are hidden messages which reveal some of what will happen later on in the play. Shakespeare portrays fate and ambition as the main themes in this passage through the personification of chance and Macbeth’s understanding of the witches mysterious prophecies. Personification is used to display how Macbeth would like to be king, Macbeth declares, “If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me/Without my stir” (1.3.143). He is essentially saying that he has a desire to be king, he will put the violence aside, and allow chance to take the wheel and …show more content…
Out of the three prophecies that the witches told him two have come true, which lead Macbeth to believe the third prophecy will come true as well. However, the witches did not tell Macbeth how he was going to become king, and this is where the ambition theme comes along. It made Macbeth jump to conclusions and assume he has to murder King Duncan to obtain the throne. This thought made him contemplate whether or not to kill Duncan and if decides to kill him how he was going to do it. He ruminates out loud to himself, “Present fears/are less than horrible imaginings/My thought, whose murder is but fantastical” (1.3.137-139). Macbeth only envisioned killing the king, and was petrified by the idea of it, he says that the things he is able to envision are much more petrifying than any risks that approach him in

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