Premium Essay

Persusaion's Speech Analysis

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Words 454
Pages 2
Words are flying out of everyone's mouths in rapid fashions; couples trying to stay together, friends debating about what they should do next weekend; teachers discussing which books they should assign next. The words that people choose next to keep the conversation alive and breathing well are being thought of in a careful manner. Even typing these words, the buttons I press must stand for something more. The ideas that run through my head are nothing more than ideas until I use them. These ideas and words that I have can be used for just about anything I want them to be. When the time is right, I use the words to tell a story about a prince, lost in his own mind. Other times, the ideas just want to share every bit of knowledge they know onto a sheet of paper. But what is really exciting, is when I can use these ideas to not only inform those around me, but persuade my audience into believing anything I want them to.
Who can speak without the use of a tongue? Who can run without the use of his legs? What good is convincing people, when the speaker doesn't know how to speak. Persusaion uses different writing techniques to get the idea that s/he is trying to make. Knowing when to use a smilile to make the auidence smile or when to use an enumeratio makes the speech more convincing to my auidence. …show more content…
To make it seem eaiser, I think of them as a painter. Ethos is the name for the argument based more on the speaker and their knowledge, so it would be the painter her/his self. Logos is the arguments based on logic; facts, statistics, and other forms of evidence are the tools used to paint. Pathos uses the complex system of human emitions, so I see it as the picture the artist is trying paint. Each is just as important on its own, but when I can use all three of them together, it makes my picture shine as brightly as the

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