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Pharma 2020


Submitted By kunaldaga
Words 13197
Pages 53

Pharma 2020: Supplying the future Which path will you take?
Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences

Previous publications in this series include:


Pharma 2020: The vision Which path will you take?*

Published in June 2007, this paper highlights a number of issues that will have a major bearing on the industry by 2020. The publication outlines the changes we believe will best help pharmaceutical companies realise the potential the future holds to enhance the value they provide to shareholders and society alike.

Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences

Pharma 2020: Challenging business models Which path will you take?

Fourth in the Pharma 2020 series and published in April 2009, this report highlights how Pharma’s fully integrated business models may not be the best option for the pharma industry in 2020; more creative collaboration models may be more attractive. This paper also evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of the alternative business models and how each stands up against the challenges facing the industry.

Pharma 2020: The vision


Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences

Pharma 2020: Virtual R&D Which path will you take?

This report, published in June 2008, explores opportunities to improve the R&D process. It proposes that new technologies will enable the adoption of virtual R&D; and by operating in a more connected world the industry, in collaboration with researchers, governments, healthcare payers and providers, can address the changing needs of society more effectively.

Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences

Pharma 2020: Taxing times ahead Which path will you take?

Pharma 2020: Virtual R&D

Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences

Pharma 2020: Marketing the future Which path will you take?

Published in February 2009, this paper discusses the key forces reshaping the pharmaceutical marketplace,

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