Premium Essay

Philosophy of Health Education


Submitted By kginigeme
Words 938
Pages 4
Kosisochi Ginigeme

Philosophy of Health Education
Health education is a very important and vital aspect of healthcare. The knowledge of certain things causing different types of sicknesses and putting you at risk for diseases allows people to be aware of what to avoid and stay away from, which could greatly benefit them in the long run. Some things people should know pertaining to their health is that obesity, smoking, and carcinogens, just to name a few, could put you in danger of developing health problems in the future. So with this in mind, people should be mindful of their health by watching what they eat, exercising, avoid smoking, and to be aware of the toxins and chemicals in your environment and take precaution. Other things people could do in relation to their health is to take preventative actions, such as being screened for certain diseases and getting immunizations. Health promotion and prevention are two essential aspects that people need to be aware of when teaching clients about their health.
Teaching is the act of knowing certain information and transferring this knowledge to other people by breaking down the content at hand and sharing it in a way that's easy for the audience to grasp and digest. When teaching, the teacher should make sure that they have the audience's full attention. Along with this, the teacher should make sure that factors such as beliefs and knowledge, environment, and organization, don't inhibit the learning process; make sure there are no background noises, know what you're going to teach and the order you'll present the information in, and avoid being boring or monotone, this will help to get the message across (Friberg). The teacher must also keep their target audience in mind, making sure that the way they teach is at the audience's level of learning. Do not over complicate what you are trying to teach, keep it short

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