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Philosophy vs Religion


Submitted By theresaleo
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Due Date (01 January 2000)
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Begin your paper here. Your first paragraph should introduce your topic and give the reader an overview of what you plan to discuss. Don’t skip lines between paragraphs or hit enter after each of your lines. Word will do this for you. Be sure to indent your first line of each paragraph a ½ inch (use the Tab key). There shouldn’t be any information in the rest of your paragraphs that isn’t mentioned in your introduction here.
After your introduction, you will need body paragraphs to support your topic. The number of body paragraphs you have will depend on the amount of information you have to cover. Be sure to check the minimum length of the assignment to ensure you have met the minimum requirement. If your paper requires outside sources, “You will need to include quotes like this” (LastName 99). You can also include paraphrases of someone else’s work, as long as you cite the information in the same way (LastName 22).
Remember that Wikipedia is never a reliable source! Anyone can go to Wikipedia and edit the information there. While the information there might be true, it might also be totally incorrect. Since it isn’t a reliable source, it should not be used as a source in academic writing. However, a good Wikipedia article should have outside sources listed at the bottom. If you follow those links, you should get access to more reliable sources.
Your last paragraph should be your conclusion. Wrap up your loose ends, and make sure you don’t introduce any new information here. If something hasn’t been mentioned in your paper before now, it shouldn’t be mentioned in your conclusion, either. Once you have wrapped up your paper, you will need to include a Works Cited page if you used outside sources. A Works Cited page should ALWAYS be its own page. Inserting a page break (Ctrl + Return) following your concluding paragraph is the easiest way to do that.

Works Cited
Print Book (Single Author) SAMPLE
Author’s Last name, First name. Italicize Title of the Book. City of Publication: Publishing Company, Year. Print
Electronic (E-Book) SAMPLE
Author’s Last name, First name. Italicize Title of the E-Book. Publisher, publication date. Web. Date of access.
Magazine Article SAMPLE
Author’s Last name, First name. "Title of Article." Italicize Title of the Magazine Day Month Year of publication: pages. Medium of publication (Print, electronic, etc.).
Scholarly Journal SAMPLE
Author’s Last name, First name. "Title of Article." Italicize Title of the Journal Volume. Issue (Year): pages. Print.
Author or Editor’s Last name, First name. “Title of the Page.” Italicize Name of the Site. Version number. Publisher, date of resource creation. Web. Date of access.
Newspaper Article SAMPLE
Author’s Last name, First name. "Title of Article." Italicize Title of the Newspaper Day Month Year of publication, edition: pages. Print.
Article in a Web Magazine or Online Database SAMPLE
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of the Article.” Italicize Title of the Web Magazine. Publisher, publication date. Web. Date of access.

Book (Two or More Authors) SAMPLE
First author’s Last name, First name, and Second author's First name and Last name. Italicize Title of the Book. City of Publication: Publishing Company, Year. Print.
Article in an Online Scholarly Journal SAMPLE
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of the Article.” Italicize Title of the Online Publication. Volume.Issue (Year): pages. Web. Date of access.
Discussion Group or Blog Posting SAMPLE
Author or Editor’s Last name, First name. “Posting Title.” Italicize Name of the Site. Version number. Publisher, date of resource creation. Web. Date of access.
Online Images SAMPLE
Author’s Last name, First name or Company name. “Title of the Image” Italicize Name of the Site. Publisher, date of resource creation. Web. Date of access.
Interview SAMPLE
Interviewee’s Last name, First name. “Interview Title.” Italicize Descriptor Interview. City of Interview, Year. Source of the Interview.
Film or Movie SAMPLE
Italicize Name of the Film or Movie. Dir. First name Last Name. Distributor, release year. Type of publication.
Classroom Lecture SAMPLE
Name of Instructor. Classroom Lecture. Campus Name. Campus Location, Date of lecture. Lecture.

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...Shenyu Wang PHL101 Summery Essay 3 7/22/2015 I think that God does not exist. if God exists, if it is material, it should be seen. But I have never seen it before. if God is immaterial, that everyone can create their own God in their hearts; if God had not the slightest effect on the material world, he exists only in the spirit of the believer, this means that God does not exist in this world, like a young man, he does not like all the girls, and the girls fall in love with his own spirit, so the presence of the girl in the end does not exist? there is no reliable evidence that the existence God, therefore God does not exist. Evil exists, because the world is not peaceful, many people still suffer from war and disease. suffered physical pain is evidence of the existence of evil. at the same time, there is evil in the human, many of whom are followers of God, if God exists, then he should be good, he should do something to stop the war, or to prevent a war. he should go to cure people of illness, he should punish the wicked person. but we do not see God do these things. war still occur from time to time, the doctors treating the patients, the wicked persons are punished by law, majorities people make their own efforts to live better. When I finished reading, I think the same as i did before. my biggest problem of the existence is that if God exists, why is there evil? God is moral, he should avoid and stop the evil. philosophers to explain the existence of God are inadequately...

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