Premium Essay



Submitted By juliasmith24
Words 349
Pages 2
Plan 1:
The theme for my first plan is “mystery”. I choose a mysterious theme for one of my three ideas because I think the picture will tell a story. When photographs are dark and mysterious they add interest to whoever is viewing it because everybody can interpret it differently. The scene that I want to achieve for my first idea is to have it set in a graveyard with hands photo shopped around the grave .The hands will be positioned coming in from behind the grave. This will add curiosity as it makes the mind wander what else is behind the grave. The photo that was taken to inspire this idea was shot in the morning sun. I would also like to incorporate fog into the shot. In order to achieve the theme of the idea I plan on photo shopping the sky to be darker in areas to represent night. The photographs below capture the essence I’m trying to achieve with this idea. This plan will either be presented with overlapping images or one picture with multiple Photoshop details.

Plan 2:
The second theme I chose is “surrealism”. I have a strong interest in completing a photo with surreal aspects to it. This excites me because it allows me to play with Photoshop which is a new area of photography for me. Looking through surrealism photographs I can see that there is a lot of thought and symbolism put into the photo to create a powerful image. Surrealism unlocks the power of imagination .It allows you to bypass reason and rationality by accessing your unconscious mind. The photo I would like to achieve with this idea would be set in a grassy field with chairs made of hands. I would like to have a model sitting in the chair to being the focusing on the chair. This would obviously require Photoshop which I am planning on using. The examples of the phots below depict how I want this idea to turn out. I would make the surrealism simple paying attention to symbolism and

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