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Play Observation

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Play Observation and Reflection “Play has been proven to be of benefit to all children” (“Development Across the Domains,” (n.d). Assessment of play can occur in many different ways. First, an observation can be either formal or informal. When an assessment is formal, it is usually done through tests and instruments used for research and requires specialized training. However, when an assessment is informal, it does not require specialized training or tests, but is done through collecting data, samples, and interviews (“Development Across the Domains,” n.d.). While conducting an informal, anecdotal record observation on three different preschool children, I gathered a lot of information about their social development style while they …show more content…
When I first came into the classroom, I noticed that he was not playing in a center like the rest of the students. Instead, he walked around watched the other children play. During the 1930s, a researcher named Mildred Parten determined that play has six different stages. These different stages then portray the child’s social development style. This child could be what Parten considered unoccupied because he was not engaged; however, according to Parten and her different stages of play, I feel that this child is considered an onlooker (“Parten’s Stages of Play,” 2015). Instead of playing with other children, he was just watching and focusing on them …show more content…
First, I would partner her up with someone, probably one of her friends, and see if they play together. If they did not play together on their own, I would ask them if they could do something that would require them to have to play together. For instance, if I put them in the kitchen center and she was still playing parallel with her partner, I would ask them without telling them specifically what to do, if they could play restaurant together. I feel that by doing this, it would allow more social interaction as oppose to parallel play. If she played with her partner without my instruction to do so, it would be considered Parten’s associate stage of play. However, if I had to prompt her to play with her partner, it would be Parten’s cooperative stage of play (“Parten’s Stages of Play,”

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