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Pm- Week 1 You Decide


Submitted By dmiles
Words 408
Pages 2
From: “Destini Miles” <>
To: “Kara Rose” < >
CC: “Jessie Megana” <>
Subject: High-resolution camera WBS

Dear Kara and Jessie,

Following our meeting on your directive to create a document and or process outlining the product development process for Vision Tec’s new high-resolution camera, I have selected a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to construct the aspects the project. The WBS is essentially, a blueprint for the project. Major and minor tasks are separated for the sake of effective and efficient planning. Major deliverables, sub-deliverables, further sub-deliverables, and work packages (in that order) is what the WBS is composed of and specifies requirements and the complexity of activities that need to take place in order for the project to be completed. This is a pyramid structured (meaning the most responsibility is at the top but the most detailed work is conducted the further you go down) gives a detailed systematic approach for internal operations, which also, in its greatest form of detail, assign the projects within the project to specific managers and aligns responsibility.

Be mindful, the work breakdown structure may require more detail as we decompose deliverables, the various work elements, and necessities of the project. Changes are contingent upon the duration of the project so it is critical that communication is progressive. The following outline of a WBS begins with the project title level (High resolution camera – not numbered) and dwindles down to the work packages (up to five levels) separated by decimal places:

WBS # Description
High-resolution camera 1.0 Market Feasibility Study 1.1 Consult industry groups 1.2.1 Determine market trend 1.2 Interview consumers 1.3.2 Test market trends

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