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Podcast Response Paper

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Podcast Response The podcast, ‘We are moving into uncharted territory’: futurists shed light on the robotic revolution by The Current CBC Radio, is a discussion between Katherine Cullen, a CBC radio broadcaster, and three futurists: David Houle, Faith Popcorn and Robert J. Sawyer. The principle subject of their conversation is artificial intelligence and how it will impact society in the future. The first contributing topic is high unemployment. A quote from David Houle, “ 2013 oxford studies show that forty-seven percent of all existing jobs in America will be rendered obsolete or put out of existence by what I call machine learning or automation artificial intelligence”. This means that an abundance of jobs will be given to machinery and robots. Examples of this currently happening would be the automated ordering systems now found in numerous fast food restaurants, self checkouts found in many grocery stores and Walmarts. Automated …show more content…
It will be common in the future for people to work along side robots and perhaps beneath the robots. Faith had much to say about this topic: We are going to come in and feel so smart because we have these robots working for us and then you are going to notice they don’t get tired, they don’t have to go home and they don’t complain. They don’t have to eat, you know go out for dinner. Gradually these robots are learning, this is a fact, and the workplace becomes much more. it’s happening already, robotic; and we end up either working for them or blending with them. She states the since robots do not need to sleep, and they will be created for a certain job. They will not have to go home, Robots will not need to eat, therefore will not need to take breaks. They will work very efficiently and very knowledgable about the task assigned to them, this will possibly lead to them being in charge, or otherwise working along side human

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