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Submitted By DLReynolds5
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GB500 Unit 3
Manager’s Toolbox: Polarity Skills Project

Submitted to:

Extreme Computers, Inc.

Prepared by

VP Human Resources
& VP of Finance and Accounting
Extreme Computers, Inc.

September 19, 2011


Polarities and Polarity Management

What are Polarities? Polarities can be seen as competing pairs that function best when each are presented to balance with each other. By definition a “problem” is an issue which requires a solution. The goal of a problem is to find a fix to the current situation and move forward to a new reality without being required to ever look back. However, a “polarity” is an issue that needs to be addressed, but the “solution” is not one that can survive independently and will actually still require support from the original issue (Welp, M., 2009). What is Polarity Management? Polarity management involves moving from focusing on one pole as the problem and the other as the solution (either/or thinking), to valuing both poles (both/and thinking). Good polarity management gets the best of both poles while avoiding the limits of either (Welp, M., 2009). In short, polarities are ongoing dilemmas in which opposite points of view are interdependent of each other. Some common Polarities are: ● Individual and Team ● Autocratic and participatory ● Planning and action ● Centralized and Decentralized ● Stability and Change ● Cost and quality ● Task and Process ● Long term and short term

According to the polarity management website, Polarity Management allows leaders and organizations to identify interdependent pairs and plan for using the best of both, while avoiding their downsides. The question, for example, is NOT whether to seek stability or change but how to plan for both. The question is NOT whether to centralize or decentralize but how to optimize the benefits of these poles, allowing the organization to move easily between the two to accommodate their ever changing needs (Polarity Management, n.d.). In managing polarities to obtain the best of both conditions tension between the two are converted into creative energy. When the tension between stability and change is balanced well, you will witness the organization benefiting from the comfort and predictability inherent in stability AND embrace the fresh energy and ideas that change can bring. When this tension is poorly balanced or ignored all together, you will witness stagnation where the desire was stability. And/or you will witness chaos when change was the sole focus. When leaders mistake a polarity to manage as a problem to solve, the tension between the poles is converted into destructive energy (Polarity Management, n.d.). Polarities can be used in a variety of settings both personally and professionally. It can change management conflict resolution, coaching, team development, and personal growth. You must first begin by thinking and talking in terms of polarities and attempt to see or describe two upsides to a situation and understand others point of view. This can be done by utilizing Johnson’s Polarity Map.

Polarity Map

Johnson has devised a “polarity map” to deal with integrating apparently conflicting ideas or concepts. A polarity map shows the strengths and weaknesses that are presented by both arguments. It identifies the two “opposites” and the upsides and downsides of each pole; resulting the whole picture of the polarity that needs to be managed. The upper quadrants display the upsides of the respective pole, and the lower quadrants the respective downsides. Moreover, the upside of one pole is the antithesis of the downside of the other pole (Johnson, B., 1998). The map is the key to defining the problems with both polarities. Below is an example of my polarity map for Extreme Computers, Inc.:

In looking at the above polarity map, it identifies the good and the bad of the team polarity. One must understand that in a group/team setting you will need to come together to meet and accomplish team goals. However, team members can get irritated and frustrated by the negatives associated with the left side characteristics of individuality (teams are frowned upon that has too much emphasis on individual efforts). Further, with the right side, there are advantages to change (such as the benefits of teamwork and not individuality). Team members will eventually argue in favor of the upside of the polarity map and push their strategy to move from the lower left quadrant to the upper right quadrant. In short, the basic idea is to work with each quadrant the map so that the majority of your time is spent in the positive quadrants. Remember, there never is a complete final solution. One should attempt to focus on the upside of one the pole because you’ll eventually get its downside too. The process should not be either/or but both/and, as it is not a matter of if you can manage polarity.
Applying Polarity Management – The Proposal

Polarity management can be a very powerful tool when used at the right place and time. The task is knowing when and where to use it, and does not imply that there are no problems to be solved because there are. The goal of polarity management is not to solve or remove problems, but to simply identify the strengths and weaknesses of the problem that exist within the dilemma (Polarity Management, 2006). In conclusion from all the information presented, you can see that polarities look and act the same (somewhat similar) and are indestructible, ongoing and unsolvable. To get a better understanding, you can map them out to see your upsides and downsides, with the corresponding action steps and early warning signs. Apply polarity management could help one benefit by using polarity management and acting upon it as they move to change and a common goal. It helps to save time and energy of not trying to solve problems that are unsolvable and again, you would have a better understanding of the resistance that you would probably be faced with on organizational changes that are made; and can even be more effective in a give or take situation with those in opposition with your changes, as you would be able to anticipate and minimize any problems that could occur when polarities are not handled. In closing, decision making will improve when one learn the power of the “and” and don’t rely constantly on either/or decisions.


1. Johnson, Barry (1998). Polarity Management: A Summary Introduction. Kaplan University doc sharing.
2. Polarity Management (n.d.). Foundations of Polarity Management: Gain and Maintain High Performance. Retrieve September 19, 2011, from Polarity Management website,
3. Polarity Management (2006). Retrieved September 18, 2011, from Team Building Leadership website,
4. Welp, Michael (2009). Polarity Mapping Worksheet. Retrieved September 18, 2011, from Equal Voice website,

L+ R+

- Each individual is unique/different - Team Collaboration - Individual creativity - Team support/Team Spirit - Few team meetings - Team considers self as equals - Individual goals - Team has common direction/goals - Care about self-contribution to team - Care for team contribution

- No team collaboration - Team delays - No team support/team spirit - Excessive conformity - Confusion/no since of belonging - Too many team meetings - Cares only about self/stubbornness - Neglect of ones needs - No common direction/goals - Loss of individual goals/creativity

L- R-

Downside of Ineffective Teams

[pic]9:;EFGHKLMOfghijUpside of Effective Teams



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