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Submitted By paupau1234
Words 793
Pages 4
Porsche: Guarding the Old While Brining in the New

1. Analyze the buyer decision process of a traditional Porsche customer.

The buyer decision process of a traditional Porsche customer starts with the consumer’s recognition of a need for the product. In this case it is the need for a new car. The Porsche marketers look to those needs that consumers look for in a car and find out what brought previous customers to their product so they can satisfy the needs of the new customers searching for their next car. After deciding the need for a car the consumer will potentially indulge in further research towards the options available. This can include searching on the Porsche website, looking through ads of their products, or even going to the dealerships to gather more information on the car that they may want. After researching about the Porsche cars the consumer is interested in and then look at the competitors of Porsche such as the Toyota Supra, Nissan GT-R, BMW 6 series, Etc. The next step is for the Porsche consumer is to make the decision to buy their car. When the consumer decides on the Porsche then comes the post purchase behavior. The new Porsche owner will be zooming around the streets marketing Porsche without even having to say a word. This new owner can give feedback to the company where they can turn that feedback into a marketing technique for new customers to purchase their car.
2. Contrast the traditional Porsche customer decision process to the decision process for a Cayenne or Panamera customer.
For the buyer process of a regular Porsche car versus the large SUV’s (Cayenne and Panamera) the first two phases are pretty much the same in which the buyer still has to determine there is a need for a car and putting in the research to which cars are viable options to purchase. When researching the buyer may look to the facts of each of the two

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