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Position Paper


Submitted By joshuahamilton
Words 589
Pages 3

1000 JWH 8 May 15

POSITION PAPER Subj: REQUEST THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS(USMC) POSITION ON THE REQUIREMENT OF RESIDENT PROFESSIONAL MILITARY EDUCATION(PME) FOR PROMOTION Ref: (a) Marine Administrative Message(MARADMIN) 426/14 (b) MARADMIN 521/14 (c) USMC Concepts and Programs Almanac (d) NAVADMIN 170/07 (e) AFI 36-2502 1. PROBLEM: Due to a recent MARADMIN, Marines in the rank of Sergeant(Sgt), Staff Sergeant(SSgt), and Gunnery Sergeant(GySgt) are required to attend resident PME in order to be promoted to the next rank. This should not be required training for Marines to be eligible for promotion. 2. WHY REQUIRED: Due to the operational commitments of Commanders and Marines in the Fleet Marine Force(FMF) along with the number of courses and allocations provided for resident PME, it is not feasible for every Marine in these ranks to complete this training before becoming eligible for promotion. Commands are going to have a difficult time allowing all Marines in the unit to leave in order to attend this training and still maintain mission accomplishment. 3. BACKGROUND: a. Prior to MARADMIN 521/14 Marines in the rank of Sgt, SSgt, and GySgt were not required to attend the resident PME course. With the implementation of MARADMIN 521/14 all Marines in the rank of Sgt, SSgt, and GySgt are now required to attend the resident PME course in order to be eligible for promotion. b. The USMC published MARADMIN 426/14 stating the number of classes and allocations for all the PME

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