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Potential Effects of Computerized Sytem


Submitted By Sarwar23
Words 4638
Pages 19
Monetary Policy Statement Team
Chief Advisor:
Atiur Rahman, PhD, Governor
Policy Advisors:
Md. Abul Quasem, Deputy Governor
Abu Hena Mohd. Razee Hassan, Deputy Governor
S.K. Sur Chowdhury, Deputy Governor
Nazneen Sultana, Deputy Governor
Allah Malik Kazemi, Change Management Advisor
Faisal Ahmed, PhD, Senior Economic Advisor
Lead Author:
Biru Paksha Paul, PhD, Chief Economist
Analysts and Contributors:
Md. Akhtaruzzaman, PhD, Economic Advisor
Begum Sultana Razia, GM, Chief Economist’s Unit (CEU)
Md. Abdur Rouf, GM, Monetary Policy Department (MPD)
Md. Ezazul Islam, PhD, DGM, CEU
Md. Abdul Kayum, DGM, MPD
Forecasting and Support Team:
Dr. Sayera Younus, DGM, MPD
Mahmud Salahuddin Naser, DGM, CEU
Muhammad Amir Hossain, PhD, DGM, SD
Md. Habibour Rahman, JD, CEU
Md. Abdul Karim, JD, MPD
Md. Omor Faruq, JD, MPD
Syeda Ishrat Jahan, JD, CEU
Khan Md. Saidjada, JD, CEU
Rubana Hassan, JD, MPD
Bushra Khanam Luna, DD, CEU
Md. Ahsan Ullah, DD, MPD
Tariq Aziz, AD, DCP

Monetary Policy
January-June 2016

Monetary Policy Department and Chief Economist’s Unit

Bangladesh Bank Table of Contents
Highlights ................................................................................................ 1
Core Objectives ...................................................................................... 3
Global Developments ........................................................................... 3
Economic Growth .................................................................................. 4
Inflation .................................................................................................... 4
Money Supply ........................................................................................ 5
Policy Interest Rate

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