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Power Point on Creativity


Submitted By MidnightWriter35
Words 498
Pages 2
Company Z to Create New Mobile App
Company Z Summery
Arilita Moore, Jenna Stafford, Matthew Case
December 1, 2013

James A Voketaitis, MFA

Company Z to Create New Mobile App Summery

Introduction (Thesis Statement) this information will include an introduction to Company Z and how they want to present their products. This section will also give an idea on how this product will put Company Z on the competitive slot for customer service. Lowe’s Case Study and how it relates to company Z. This component will present problem, outline and possible solutions.
The theories will be presented and how it relates to the creativity presented by Company Z’s to have the product availability to their customers as well as their attempt to raise the bar higher on they’re standard of customer service. The four “P” will be presented, explaining what they are and their importance in displaying their new design to present their company in the customer service competition. The report will look at Personality as it relates to the mobile APP and why it will be a popular tool to present, Cognitive process, GPS, physiology in looking at how people will look at our product and gravitate to it as a source of information. An inside look on who money is presented with this application to our consumers and to our investors as it relates to what it offers. Training with this product to all of the store employees, so they will be able to affectively relate information to the consumers. Seek out clients that will be able to use this products as well as our products, Seeking out berries that will affect the completion of the design of our product. Conclusion (Wrap up)

Basadur, M., Graen, G. B., & Scandura, T. A. (1986). Training effects on attitudes toward divergent thinking among manufacturing engineers. Journal of Applied Psychology,

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