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Teaching Literature

What is Literature?

Literature comes from the Latin word “littera” which means letter. Literature represents a language or a people: culture and tradition. It is more important than just a historical or cultural artifact. It introduces us to new worlds of experience. Ultimately, we may discover meaning in literature by looking at what the author says and how he/she says it. According to Henry Van Dyke, Literature consists of “writings which interpret the meanings of nature and life, in words of charm and power, touched with the personality of the author in artistic forms of permanent interest”. According to Robert Frost, one of the great writers, Literature is “a performance in words”. Also some people say that Literature is life which presents human experience. With all these given meanings of Literature I can say that Literature is one way of expressing ourselves with the use of letters, it can touch the heart of some people and it can also help them to change for the better.

The community has been affected by literature for ages. Since the first page of literature was written it has affected the community. When books were first introduced into the world they were not accepted by the community that well, because many people did not even have the pleasure of knowing how to read. Therefore, they may or may not have been interested in the books. Once people were taught how to read their interest in reading grew and the community was affected by authors’ historical stories, fantasies, fiction, and stories of their own lives. This domino effect has been occurring for hundreds of years and will continue to affect those in the future.
Whatever critical paradigm we use to discuss and analyze literature, there is still an artistic quality to the works. Literature is important to us because it speaks to us, it is universal, and it affects us. Even when it is ugly, literature is beautiful.

Even our readings from this past week show how communities are affected by literature. Take “The Prodigal Son” by Luke for example. In the story it talks about a father and his two sons. One of the sons stayed by his father’s side and worked for him without complaint. The other son however, as soon as he was old enough asked for the inheritance that his father was saving for them. The father did as his son asked, sold half of his land, and gave it to his son. The son then went and spent his entire inheritance on frivolous living. Once all his money was gone, his “friends” left him as well. The son ended up homeless and eating next to the pigs! He was totally desperate at this point, and then it dawned on him that his father had many servants, and he did not see any of them eat next to the pigs. The son, then humbly returned home, and asked his father to be a servant. His father was so happy to have his son back that he forgave his son of his arrogance and prepared a feast in honor of him returning. Well- his other son was not too happy about this and complained to his father about how he stayed by his side and his brother did not. The father answered his son’s complaint with a very wise answer “son thou art ever with me and all that I have is thane. It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead and is alive again; and was lost and now his is found.” The father was simply saying, what I have is still all yours, but your brother is alive and you should be grateful that he is not dead.

There are some people who make reading literature their hobby. It gives them sort of relaxation and it helps them to clear their mind by putting their selves in the story. Literature allows people, even children, to taken to a new world, or see their existing one differently. Good literature has a lasting effect on everybody who reads it, be it just a slight nuance to the way we talk to certain people, or a huge change that deserves to spread for the greater good. Unless, of course, you read crap books, then you put the book back on the shelf with a feeling of dissatisfaction, annoyance, and frustration.

Literature is good for me when I can be able to relate myself to the characters of the story. Also when there are parts of the book that gives me trilling experience and some sort of fantasy. All books have morals that can help everyone to be a better person.

Setting Goals for Literature Primarily, what we should learn from literature is what the writer wanted to convey us. The subject that the author wanted to figure out in us is the first concern of the study of literature. The subject could be anything under the sun like love, forgiveness, regret, courage, nature, etc. Next to the subject is the technical part, which the writer employed to make his ideas be written with art and beauty. It is here where the students have to be acquainted with the different literary genres and their elements. It is great help for the student to study different literary genres or types so that he may appreciate literature more.

Unconsciously, there is a nature in us that cannot be denied- we want to talk about people. And we want to know about people. This helps us to understand what life is reflecting our own life with others. As we watch or read the life of others, we get something in life that we can apply to our own.

One of the objectives of education is for the students to develop their personality. It is not only to develop their knowledge on their course or target profession but to be mature in dealing with life. That student could not learn what life is in engineering, computer, accounting, and etc. Life could learn from the life of others. We could say that literature teaches us how to live. It is in literature where hopefully students learn the art of living.

Literature helps us to travel from different places that we have never been. It shows us the different kinds of beautiful places that we can only see in the picture and by literature we can be able to experience things that can change us as a person. Literature is definitely one of the important things that you can learn from the school.

Literature helps us to learn many things…

Literature helps us to travel to different places…

Literature helps us to experience different things ….

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