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Prejudice And Stereotypes Summary

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In order to see how prejudices impact our daily lives our group decided on an experiment that shows stereotypes are real. Stereotypes are formed so that we are able to respond rapidly to situations because we may have had a similar experience before. The disadvantage of this is that it makes us ignore differences between individuals. Therefore, when we experience something bad, we assume that everyone of that ethnicity is the same. Our experiment consisted of ten pictures of random people followed by four questions: what job do you think this person has, would you want to work for this person, what type of family members does this person have (kids, wife, husband, parents), and what is this person’s favorite food. This experiment was totally …show more content…
Amodio, talks about how the different parts of the brain is involved in forming stereotypes and prejudices. This increases our understanding of ingroup biases in interaction and behaviour to help us stop the problem. In his study he found that we have better recognition and faster processing of ingroup faces than out-group faces using fMRI technology. He also has learned that the amygdala is key in prejudice because it is the brain cortex used in arousal. The study shows that the amygdala shows greater startle activity when seeing Asian or African-American faces than white faces. Amodio says that these prejudices and stereotypes are generated unconsciously. They are formed by exposure to these groups in typically negative contexts. These prejudices and stereotypes are very difficult to stop once they are formed and that is what psychologists are trying to figure …show more content…
Brandt and Christine Reyna.. The article I choose was studying the link fundamentalism and racial prejudice. The goal of the study is to advance the understanding of the fundamentalism and racial prejudice relationship by expressing and contextualizing the fundamentalism-prejudice relationship. The two hypotheses of the study are, religious fundamentalism will be related to higher levels of racial prejudice when it portrays African Americans as violating values important to fundamentalists. The second hypothesis is, predicting that authoritarianism and traditionalism will both mediate the relationship between fundamentalism and racial prejudice. Suggesting that regardless of the type of prejudice, both traditionalism and authoritarianism will be correlated with increased prejudice. The study also included a measure of raw negative affect towards gay men and lesbians in all of their analyses because they predicted fundamentalists would be prejudiced towards people portrayed as violating

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