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Submitted By psingh2341
Words 1019
Pages 5
The Personal Touch
Alejandra Marroquin Velazquez
Lasell College, MGMT703
March 30, 2015

This case study presents that customer service is very important for FedEx, a global leader in shipping industry. FedEx is one of the largest organization with 275,00 employees and independent contractors handling an average of 6 million packages using 669 aircraft and 71,000 trucks. FedEx servers more than 220 countries and territories, while serving these territories and delivering millions of packages, inevitably packages are delayed, damaged or gone missing. To get answers to all these issues customers call FedEx call center. FedEx employs 4,000 customer services reps in 65 call centers resolve customers issues. Shipping is a very competitive industry and it is important to answer these inquiries in a prompt and efficient manner. While these call centers are essential part of the business but they are expensive and affects company’s bottom line. This case study presents a fact that call volume is extremely high and reps never have an idle moment. While resolving and answering customer complaints quickly is beneficial for the company but reps don’t want customers to feel that they are being rushed.
Case study noted that company decided to get help from Information technology to serve their customers efficiently and quickly. FedEx, first figured out what was the most frequent request then installed software that reps would use to provide faster service. Since many callers were already registered on the website and most frequent question was a request to request a FedEx worker to pickup a package. Rep could enter name, which lead to a zip code, and that turn leads to a tracking number. That number uniquely identifies the package. Using the software, a rep could handle the request in 20 seconds. Obviously there are some complex requests that will take longer. FedEx

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