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Prince2 Manual


Submitted By anithabm
Words 108152
Pages 433
The PRINCE2® Practitioner Training Manual
A common sense approach to learning and understanding PRINCE2

Version 1.0i
(Check latest version)

Covers the PRINCE2 Practitioner syllabus
Link to PRINCE2 Foundation Self Study guide Link to PRINCE2 Practitioner Self Study guide


By Frank Turley, The PRINCE2 Coach
MgmtPlaza – Affiliate of TAG

Practitioner Level

The PRINCE2® Practitioner Training Manual


The PRINCE2® Practitioner Training Manual
Thank you for reading our PRINCE2 Training Manual. The main objective of this book is to provide an easy-to-read and easy-to-understand PRINCE2® manual. The idea for this book came from the questions I received from people trying to learn PRINCE2 and after reading the official PRINCE2 manual “Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2”. The official PRINCE2 Manual for the Project Manager is an excellent reference manual but can be rather difficult to pick up and read if you are new to both project management and PRINCE2. So this book is meant to be – and is – an easy introduction to PRINCE2 and is quickly becoming the most read book for people wishing to learn about PRINCE2 and prepare for Foundation Exam and Practitioner Exam. Feedback: We welcome any feedback (suggests to improve or corrections), Feedback

The Swirl logo™ is a Trademark of the Office of Government Commerce PRINCE2 ® is a Registered Trademark of the Office of Government Commerce in the United Kingdom and other countries

Free PRINCE2Self Study Course
We offer a free full Self Study course if you but your official PRINCE2 Exam from us. Our SelfStudy course includes, Audio Course, Books, 550 Q&A course, Practice Exams, etc… • Link to PRINCE2 Foundation Self Study guide: • Link to PRINCE2 Practitioner Self Study guide: • Link to Exam Purchase Page

Written Expert Reviewer Expert Reviewer Frank Turley Peter

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