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Problem Statement over the Previous Five Years, the U.S. Per Capita Beer Consumption Had Declined by 2.3%, Due to Changes in Beer Drinkers’ Preferences, and the Mountain Man Brewing Company (Mmbc) Is Considering


Submitted By elgerber53
Words 2831
Pages 12
The Entrepreneurs at Twitter: Building a Brand, a Social Tool or a Tech Powerhouse? MID-TERM ASSIGNMENT A Paper Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Robert Kennedy College MBA Course Nr. 57582 - Entrepreneurship Prof. Francois Therin October 27, 2010


Declaration of originality of work I affirm that the attached work is entirely my own, except where the words or ideas of other writers are specifically acknowledged according to accepted citation conventions. This assignment has not been submitted for any other course at Robert Kennedy College or any other institution. I have revised, edited and proof-read this paper. th Signed the student, October 27 2010 Certification of authorship I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and fully disclosed in this assignment/paper/examination. I have also cited any sources (footnotes or endnotes) from which I used data, ideas, theories, or words, whether quoteds directly or paraphrased. I further acknowledge that this written work has been prepared by myself specifically for this course. Signed the student, October 27th 2010 Word count: 1952 without title pages, index of contents, executive summary and bibliography


“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” The Cheshire Cat in “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll


Index of contents
Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................5 1 Overview..........................................................................................................................................5 2 Twitter: Bright Idea or Real Business Opportunity? ...........................................................................6 3 Twitter’s

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