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Progressive Era Dbq

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The progressive era was a period which eliminated the political corruption in the united states of America. progressive era opposed monopoly leaders and authorities related to the political corruption. Progressive leaders combatted the corruption that industraial leaders created by forming their bussniesses to monopolies. The progressive leaders was formed of the middle class to identify problems in society and solve it. The gilded age Although many people would argue that the reformers did not fill the gap between the rich and the poor, but the reformers successfully solved the major problems of the gilded age such as putting an end to child labor, corruption and combating monopolies.

During the gilded age children faced risks while working …show more content…
Document A: “the protectors of our industries,” New York, 1883. Document A illustrates that the benefits go to the industry leaders and they pay workers with low wages in order to create stronger monopolies that cause corruption for controlling the rates in the market. During the gilded age, industrial leaders benefited the most and controlled the prices and rates in the market by creating monopolies. Doc M: excerpts from the Clayton antitrust act of 1914. Congress passed the law to fix the prices and limit the power of the industrial leaders. The laws specifically combatted large businesses. The document proves that the progressive era was effective to eliminate monopolies and give opportunities to small businesses in order to create healthy competitions between the …show more content…
Document c explains that the workers demand a reduction of hours and to raise the wage. He working conditions was not safe and the workers were paid with low wages by the industrial leaders. The document proves that the industrialists abuse the system which creates the gap between the rich and the poor. The document I explains the problem was not still solved and the parents sell their children to the manufacturer for two dollars a week which proves the gap between rich and the poor. the document proves that the gap still existed and reformers did not solve the problem during the progressive

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