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Proletarians of All Lands Unite!!!


Submitted By abhorndance
Words 1237
Pages 5
Assess the view that the urban working class was treated worse by the Communists than the Tsars during the period 1855-1964.
Throughout the period 1855-1964 there would be continuity for the urban working class in the treatment by their rulers. The urban working class was treated badly by both Tsars and Communists. Although there was continuity there was considerable variation in experience, the legalisation of Trade Unions in 1905 would give the workers some limited political power, the destruction in the First and Second World Wars would have a detrimental effect on living standards and working conditions of urban workers, workers would enjoy considerably improved living standards throughout the Communist period, something never achieved under the Tsars. The Tsars treated the urban working class worse than the Communists. Throughout the period the working conditions of the urban workers would be consistently bleak. Both Tsarist and Communist rulers would make attempts to improve conditions but it is clear that the communists were much more successful than the Tsars. During the Witte era an factory inspectorate was established child labour was banned however these improvements were limited and beating and on the spot dismissal were common in factories throughout the Tsarist period. Factory beatings became not common under the Lenin and Khrushchev would relax factory disciplines and end force labour during the de-Stalinization. Unlike the Tsars the Communist rulers significantly improved opportunities for urban women, during Stalin’s five year plans workers were paid by the amount they produced regardless of gender. Under Stalin state Crèches would be introduced, again nothing like this ever existed under the Tsars and 50% of Leningrad women by were employed by 1937.Unlike the Tsars who maintained unequal pay and during Witte’s Great

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