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Promotional and Advertising Strategies: Toyota Motors and General Motors


Submitted By Chenita31
Words 1831
Pages 8
Promotional and Advertising Strategies: Toyota Motors and General Motors
BUS 508 Contemporary Business
June 8, 2014

The production and management systems in many industries get revolutionized globally due to changing technologies. The automobile industry is not left behind and is currently facing new opportunities and threats. Increase in safety requirements, globalization, digitalization and individualization are a few factors that are spearheading the change in the industry. Survival of companies has been made uncertain, and only those that consumers find to add value are guaranteed the existence. This paper will analyze two leading automobile industries, Toyota Motors and General Motors, and the marketing techniques and strategies that have enabled their survival in the recent past. The study will reveal that environmental interpretation and aspiration to the usage of new technology are important factors for the generation of profit and retention of the market share in the automobile industry.

Promotion Strategies Sales promotion denotes devices that are used to induce buyers to buy products that the company offers in the market, in a manner that is better than competitors in order to attract and retain customers. This form of advertising may be consumer oriented in the sense that manufacturers induce buyers through samples, bonus packs, coupons and rebates, or retailers inducing the buyers via double coupons, special displays and price discounts among others. The former is termed as consumer promotion and the latter is referred to as retail promotion. Promotion can also be business oriented in the sense that manufacturers induce wholesalers through off-invoice discounts and merchandise discounts (trade promotion) to buy products that they offer.

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