Premium Essay

Proposal Corporate Social Reponsible


Submitted By elysha88
Words 8921
Pages 36
Corporate Social Responsibilities

1. Introduction

According to Argenti,Pul.A (2007) Many companies have a separate subfunction in the human resources area to deal with community relations and a foundation close to the chairman that deals with philanthropy, but the two should be tied closely together ascompaies take on responsiblities in communities in which they operate.When constitiuencies involved and the most importantthis hs in shaping the imge of the firm, this subfunction also needs to be housed within the corporte communication function where very closely with it.

Sustainable development is an idea of ensuring better quality of life which aims to protect environment, enhance social progress, use natural resources prudently and maintain high and stable economic growth. CSR is believed to have a significant influence on corporate sustainability. In the business context, CSR has emerged as a form of sustainability governance with advantages to the economic, environment and social progress. In terms of governance through policy implementation, CSR can be practiced in a strategic manner with better understanding. Policy framework can be designed using a mixture of regulations, economic instruments and communication strategies which significantly affects the environmental and social impacts from corporate activities. This might influence the level of corporate sustainability(Chamhuri Siwar and Siti Haslina Md Harizan,2008). Companies are aware that they can contribute to sustainable development by managing their operations in such a way by enhancing economic growth and increasing competitiveness besidesprotecting environment and committed to social responsibilities. Hence, sustainability in businesscould not be achieved solely by profit maximisation but through responsible behaviour and market orientation. In developing country like

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