Premium Essay

Prostitution Should Be Legalized


Submitted By desparado14
Words 797
Pages 4
Prostitution is a profession that has been around for more than a millennia. However, it seems to be a sore subject that leaves people at odds with one another. One may ponder whether the profession should even exist, while another may believe there is no harm in allowing the profession to thrive. Although one may see the profession as a cesspool for diseases and find it immoral to perform such acts, one can't help but notice the benefits of legalizing prostitution. If prostitution were legalized, prostitutes would be taxed, earning revenue for the country and have job benefits, such as security and healthcare, allowing for a safer and healthier work environment. If prostitution were legalized, prostitutes would be on payroll and have their income taxed, thus bringing more revenue to the economy. While one may like prostitution to be banned all together, it is highly unlikely considering how long the profession has been around. Consider illegal immigrants working here for less wages and off the books, meaning not being taxed. Why is it we are more bothered by illegal immigrants not paying their fair share of taxes than prostitutes? They are legal citizens getting paid to perform a service tax free, which should be against the law, not the service provided. The taxes that tax payers pay now go into municipalities such as the police department and the judicial system. Therefore, taxpayer's money is being wasted when police pursue prostitutes for a victimless crime, resulting in a brief stay in jail with no added penalties. If prostitutes are fined for an infraction, it cost more money to process them through the judicial system than the cost of the fine itself. The worst crime a prostitute can be charged with is solicitation, which for 1st and 2nd time offenders is more than likely a fine and brief stay in local jail. Why waste money on a consensual

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