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Pt 1420


Submitted By mhartwig1219
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PT 1420 Student Name:__________________
Introduction to Programming
Winter 2014/2015
Instructor: Martin Remmele Unit 7 Homework Assignment Due by end of first break February 10, 2015 Learning Objectives and Outcomes NOTE: This section lists concepts and techniques to be understood from this unit. The actual assignment that you are to complete is found in the next section: “Assignment Requirements”. * Be able to Use pseudocode/flowcharts to represent repetition structures. * Be able to Create While, Do-While, and Do-Until conditional loops. * Be able to Describe the implications of an infinite loop.

Assignment Requirements
Complete the following exercises. An exercise that calls for an algorithm may be written in English as a series of steps. An exercise that calls for program statements may be written in a) the text’s pseudocode, b) your own preferred pseudocode notation or c) Visual Basic. (VB code can simply be typed into your Word document; it does not have to be created in the development environment.)
The logic of the statements will be more important to the grade than the syntax. * Short Answer Review Questions 1-5, starting on page 213 (5 pts each) * Algorithm Workbench Review Questions 1, 2, 7, and 8, starting on page 213 (10 pts each) * Programming Exercises 1, 3, and 4, starting on page 214 (10 points each)

Required Resources * Textbook

Submission Requirements
Submit your written answers in a Word Document.
If you submit hardcopy, attach this cover sheet to the front of your document.
Alternately you may email assignments to * Be sure the class number and your name are at the top of the document * Name the document file PT1420.HW7.xx where xx will be replaced with your initials. * Be sure that “PT1420 assignment” appears in the subject line of the email
Assignments will not be accepted if these requirements are not followed.

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