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Qualitative Research Methods Review


Submitted By SebastianSun
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MA in Human Resources & Consulting

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Name: | Chao Sun | Library card number: | 31434921 | Coursework Title: | Paper 1 Paper 2 Research Essay Consulting Project Dissertation Proposal Dissertation | Tutor: | Dr Valerie Stead |

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Qualitative Research Methods Review
Taking “The Supportive expatriate spouse” as a case
This Review is aimed at analyzing the qualitative research methods used in “The supportive expatriate spouse” by Jakob Lauring and Jan Selmer (2010).The specific research elements will be discussed in perspectives of suitability, benefits, limitations and ethical issues in context of the authors’ research.
Research Methods
The research question of the above article is to investigate the positive influence of accompanying spouses on their business expatriates. Samplings elected are sixteen Danish female accompanying women in a same Danish subsidiary in Saudi Arabian. The underlying ontological and epistemological thinking is respectively relativism and social constructionism. Accordingly, the authors choose ethnographic and single-case study methods as research methodology.

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