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Quinceañeara Research Paper

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Pages 3
There are many traditions in the Hispanic culture, and I believe the one that is more commonly celebrated than any other tradition is a young girl’s quinceañera. A quinceañera is when a girl is about to turn 15 years old, and it stands for a girls transition to womanhood. It can be compared to the sweet sixteen celebration that is done for a teenage girl on her sixteenth birthday in the American culture. The quinceñeara tradition has been around for hundreds of years and it’s celebrated just as much today than it was before, though through the generations the ceremony part of it has had its changes.
What is the origin of the quinceñeara? It is believed that this tradition dates back to the ancient Mayan and Aztec times. Though the significance has changed slightly since then. the significance that has stayed the same today is of the a girl coming to womanhood, but back …show more content…
The usual location for the reception is at a rented party hall, or it can also take place at a family member’s house. Many family members and friends that are invited to attend this celebration. There is plenty of food and music. Either a DJ or a band is brought in for the music and the food is either prepared by the birthday girl’s family or is made by a catering company. When the reception starts, the quinceañera is brought in by her father, then her and her court perform a waltz dance that they had choreographed months prior to the celebration. After the dance, the party begins. Towards the end of the party the quinceañera cuts her cake and opens her gifts which is . There is also a toast that is made to the quinceañera by either her parents or godparents. A lot of money goes into the reception, but apart from the savings of the parents, godparents contribute with many of the costs as well, every godparent chooses what cost they want to cover. This helps significantly and helps insure that everything that is needed for this celebration is

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