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Quotation Specialist


Submitted By Smalls725
Words 797
Pages 4
Team Name: Quality Control
Team Members: Jason Christensen, Greg Buckway, and Jeanette "Sundie" Gomez

1. Identify a role for each team member. How will this structure allow the team to be more effective? Possible roles may include team leader, facilitator, team members, note taker, timekeeper, and reviewer/publisher. (Note: There must be a team leader as well as someone designated to compile the handbook in addition to the remaining roles listed above.) Jason Christensen (Team Leader), Greg Buckway (Note Taker/Reviewer/Publisher), Jeanette “Sundie” Gomez (Handbook Complier)

2. Identify at least three team goals. (1) Have rough drafts done the Friday before they are due. (2) Keep up communication at least every other day if not every day. (3) Keep the schedule written so we don’t push back and allow hardships to fall on other people.

3. Review and discuss weekly assignments and deadlines outlined below.

Week | Weekly Assignments | Date Due | One | 1. Complete the Teamwork section of the course of study. 2. Schedule and conduct first team meeting (Note: Detailed instructions for scheduling the first team meeting can be found in the course of study.) 3. Complete the Team Contract and have the team leader submit to it to for approval. 4. Complete the Assignment Designation Form. | 2/16/2014 | Two | 1. Complete the Leadership Styles section of the course of study and determine your leadership style. 2. Research your topic for the first section of the handbook and review the resources outlined in the Leadership section of the course of study. 3. Write the first handbook section and submit it to the team compiler. | 2/23/2014 Rough Draft 2/21/2014 | Three | 1. Complete and submit the RJAT or RSAT Task One. 2. Research your topic for the second section of the handbook and review

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Financial Accounting

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