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中 国 攻略 ————百事可乐中国市场案例分析 1981年,百事可乐与中国政府签约并在深圳兴建百事可乐灌装厂,成为首批进入中国的美国商业合作伙伴之一。时至今日,百事已在全国各地先后建立了40多家合资或独资的企业,总投资超过10亿美元,直接员工近10,000人,提供间接就业机会达 150,000个。 百事可乐,是年轻一代非常热衷而欢迎的品牌。进入中国市场二十几年来,以其不同凡响的运营攻略创造出了巨大的成功。站在新时代的前沿,让我们审视一位不屈不挠、勇于创新的挑战者——百事可乐在中国市场的运营策略,他的成功或许会为我们带来有益的启迪与智慧。 攻略一: “Ask For More”的品牌核心价值 百事可乐多年来与年轻一代的关系甚为紧密。众所周之,百事1998年打出的口号“新一代的选择 The choice of a new generation 渴望无Ask for More”中生动地诠释了百事独特、创新、积极的品牌个性。多年来,新一代精神成为百事与年轻人彼此情感的桥梁。独特的、引领潮流的百事可乐,鼓励新一代人对自己、对生命有更多的追求。并且从生命中获得更多,而这一切正是百事的全球理念。百事公司将“渴望无限”确立为百事可乐的全新口号。“渴望无限”是百事提出的人生态度,是百事与全球新一代的共同目标。 “Ask For More”是百事可乐的品牌核心价值,更是百事所带给青年人的感性诉求即:我们虽不能改变世界,但我们将从生活中获取精彩人生;我们追求独立自主的生活,更对未来充满无限憧憬;我们相信世界充满机会,相信生命将会无比精彩。我们深信:我们是引领潮流、敢做敢为,勇于尝试的先驱;我们拥有独立的个性,拥有自己的思想及生活方式;我们不断提高对自己和别人的要求,不断将思想付诸于行动。 在中国,百事品牌与年轻人共同将“Ask For More”的品牌核心价值体现为实实在在的行动,譬如:赞助“八运会”、赞助中国甲A足球联赛、支持中国申奥成功等等。 百事可乐不惜巨资赞助“八运会”,取得了八运会饮料的指定产品的称号,大张旗鼓地掀起了一场沟通高潮,出尽了风头,造成了一个虽在总体上不及、但在特定时期和特定环境中气势大大超过可口可乐公司的局面,不但在当时取得了明显的效益,而且还为其在中国的进一步发展打下了坚实基础。百事可乐为庆祝中国申奥成功,把申办前的“渴望无限”和成功后的“终于解渴了”整合在一起,做成全屏广告的形式,具有很大的冲击力,与当时的气氛同频共振,不如此难表激情万丈,不如此不够痛快淋漓。相信在那一时刻,每个看到此广告的人都会心跳!短短四个小时,全屏广告点击数高达67877人。百事可乐此时与他们共同支持申奥,心灵相映,情感相通,收到了良好的社会效果,品牌的社会形象得以大大提高。 总之,百事品牌的经营理念从“新一代的选择”到“Ask For More”,由形象化到实践,是一种更高层次的品牌核心价值。而这种核心价值的确立,恰恰为百事与目标消费者之间建立起了良好的沟通桥梁,从而有效地在年轻人心智中建立起了他们所喜爱的品牌形象。 攻略二:“聚焦”目标市场 针对可口可乐“无处不在”的战略,百事可乐将人力、物力、财力集中在几个重点城市大肆进行立体式广告宣传进攻。而且百事可乐的独到之处还在于所选择的重点城市基本上都是可乐类饮料市场潜力巨大、发展成熟的城市。如上海、武汉、成都、广州、长春等。在这些城市中,又针对重点的分销渠道采取不同的分销策略。譬如:针对高校这一类年轻一代消费集中度高的渠道,采取设立自动售货机,出资建设公共设施等方式以提升销售机会并增加品牌的亲合力。 在中国,百事不仅集中优势兵力实施重点的攻略,而且把自己的消费群突出定位在年轻一代,它不惜重金赞助中国足球甲A联赛、三人篮球赛、校际音乐会等青年流行文化,同时先后网罗了贝克汉姆、王菲、郭富城、F4以及郑秀文等巨星出任其形象大使,使体育、音乐、明星相得益彰,希望重现其当年在美国的辉煌。 那么,百事在中国“集中优势兵力重点突破”的攻略有效果吗?根据新生代市场监测机构实施的、中国市场与媒体研究(CMMS)的连续监测,可口可乐凭借其拉网式的市场攻略,全国布网,层层推进,市场渗透率(饮用某品牌可乐的消费者人数与可乐消费者总数之比)一直遥遥领先于百事可乐。1999年、2000年其全国20个城市的渗透率分别是83.9%和85%,而百事可乐则分别只有65.5%和67.9%.但仔细分析我们会发现,百事可乐市场渗透率的增长略高于可口可乐,前者是3.7%,而后者只有1.3%. 百事可乐在各城市的市场表现,两极分化明显,市场渗透率高者甚至超过可口可乐,而低者不足可口可乐的40%.这也恰恰是百事可乐近期所希望看到的结果,因为他们的目的就是抓住可口可乐满天撒网战略的弱点,集中优势兵力实施中心突破,并终于在上海、成都、重庆、武汉、深圳等城市的“两乐”之争中胜出。 攻略三:资源整合 品牌扩张 目前,百事可乐国际公司在中国市场的旗舰品牌是百事可乐、七喜、美年达、激浪。此外,还包括亚洲、天府、北冰洋等地方品牌。就产品组合的宽度而言,百事的产品线远比可口可乐要丰富。因为可口可乐的经营非常单一,仅仅从事饮料业。而百事公司除了软饮料以外,还涉足快餐业、食品业以及运动用品业等。 2001年8月,百事并购另一食品业巨舰——贵格公司。与贵格的联姻使百事获得了含金量颇高的Gatorade品牌,并大幅提高了百事公司在非碳酸饮料市场的份额。事实上,并购贵格对于百事来讲是具有战略意义的。因为百事除了碳酸饮料外,还有小食品系统,而这个系统正好与贵格的食品系统是对接的,很多资源可以共享。百事与贵格合并后,经营规模扩大,百事公司将在需求强劲的方便食品和饮料两个领域谋求重点发展。在合并后的公司结构上,将食品和饮料业务进行重组,贵格公司的麦片和谷类食品将与菲多利食品整合,专门从事方便食品的开发与营销;而贵格旗下的运动饮料品牌“佳得乐”将与百事原有的百事可乐碳酸饮料和“纯品康纳鲜榨果汁”合并,形成全系列的饮料公司。 可以说,百事与贵格合并后加速了百事在中国业务投资的增长。今年5月,百事可乐宣布在广州建设中国最大的非碳酸饮料生产基地。这一举措标志着百事正在加速其本土化进程。而这些也正是由于百事公司的业务范围扩大了,品牌资源扩大了,那么在这一基础上很好地整合碳酸与非碳酸饮料的运营结构,将会更好地满足中国消费者的需求,从而在市场上创造新的核心竞争力。 攻略四:名人代言 音乐行销 众所周之,百事可乐的广告策略可谓独树一帜、首屈一指。在同老对手可口可乐的百年广告交锋中,常常好戏迭出,精彩非凡。其中,百事可乐运用的“名人代言”广告,是他赢得市场的超级攻略之一。 最初在香港,百事可乐推出张国荣为香港的“百事巨星”,展开了一个中西合璧的音乐行销攻势。不久以后,百事为开辟中国大陆市场而选择走红于大陆和港台之间的“天王巨星”刘德华作为其代言人。 20世纪90年代百事同“四大天王”之一的郭富城合作,推出了一系列经典的广告版本:“蓝罐包装上市”篇、“雨中飞奔”篇、“珍妮杰克逊”篇等电视广告版本皆成为百事广告的扛鼎之作。 1998年,百事成立百年之际。百事适时地推出一系列的行销举措。1998年1月,郭富城成为百事国际巨星,他与百事合作的第一部广告片,是以他的歌曲“唱这歌” MTV为情节的一部分。身着蓝色礼服的郭富城以其活力无比的外形和矫健炫目的舞姿把百事一贯的主题发挥得淋漓尽致。此片在亚洲播出后,博得了年轻一代的热烈反响。1998年9月,百事可乐在全球范围推出其最新的蓝色包装,配合新包装的亮相,郭富城拍摄了广告片“一变倾城”,同时“一变倾城”也是郭富城新专辑的同名主打歌曲。换了蓝色“新装”的百事可乐,借助郭富城“一变倾城”的广告和大量的公关活动,再加之珍妮?杰克逊、瑞奇?马丁、王菲的倾力加盟,共同完美地演绎了“渴望无限”的蓝色风暴。 郭富城同珍妮?杰克逊联袂出演的 “渴望无限” 主题广告片,是百事近年的又一广告力作。这部广告片投资巨大、场面恢宏,歌曲“渴望无限”由珍妮?杰克逊作曲。整体曲风华美、动中有静,郭富城美轮美奂的表演与珍妮?杰克逊性感的造型,使整个广告片充满了浪漫的色彩。尤其两位来自不同地区、不同肤色的巨星同台演绎就越发倍受瞩目。 王菲的音乐在亚洲乐坛别具一格,王菲为百事所拍的广告片同样以“渴望无限”为主题,由她创作的歌曲《存在》表现了王菲对音乐的执著追求和坚定信念。“渴望无限”的理念得到了精彩的体现。 2002年F4、郑秀文加盟百事音乐巨星家族,他们的加入为百事可乐演绎出更加精彩的“百事乐章”。 音乐的传播与行销得益于听众和观众的传唱,百事音乐行销的成功正是取决于他感悟到了音乐的沟通魅力。这是一种互动式的双向沟通,它不需要让受众被动地接受,美妙的歌曲旋律,引发共鸣的歌词都是同消费者沟通的最后语言。有了这样的广告讯息,品牌了理念也就自然而然地深入人心了。 攻略五:热心公益 回报社会 进入中国以来,百事公司始终致力于建立以“百事可乐基金”为切入点的良好公共关系体系,热心支持与赞助体育赛事和其他的公益事业。例如,赞助“八运会”、赞助中国足球甲A联赛、支持中国申奥成功等等。再如,2001年12月由百事(中国)投资有限公司捐赠中国妇女发展基金会设立的专项资金——“百事可乐基金”。基金的收捐地区是内蒙古自治区的准格尔旗,这笔基金将主要用于当地缺水家庭修建“母女水窖”和贫困儿童复学的项目。负责此项目的中国妇女发展基金会表示:像这样的捐助,百事可乐公司在饮料业尚属首家。而据百事中国区总裁朱华煦介绍:百事公司从创建伊始,就与全球慈善救助事业结下不解之缘。此次“百事可乐基金”也是为配合中国的西部大开发战略,救助西部贫困地区而设立的,希望能为中国西部的发展贡献一份爱心和力量。 取之于消费者,回报于社会,投身于公益事业,为百事的品牌赢得了良好的美誉度,同时也为百事在中国的成功奠定了坚实的社会基础。 攻略六:变幻莫测、精准实效的促销战术 销售促进可分为三个层面: 1、 针对消费者的促销。 2、 对经销商的促销。 3、 针对销售人员的促销。 百事可乐取得的成绩与他变幻莫测、精准实效的促销战术是密不可分的。 1995年,长春百事(97、98连续两年获“国际百事中国区销量增长速度第一”、98年被获“百事中国区最佳装瓶厂”等殊荣)创业之初,为了迅速打开市场、抢占份额,果断地采用了直销模式。当时的饮料市场,计划经济的氛围还相当浓郁,销售人员往办公室里一坐,听听电话、看看报纸,而商家要到饮料厂里自己来提货。但是,计划经济下的这种销售方式必将被市场经济下的全新销售模式所取代。为此,百事一下子招聘了占公司员工相当比例的销售人员。于是,一支强大的百事直销队伍开始出现在长春的大街小巷。接着长春百事又购买了依维柯、小解放等送货车辆,用来送货上门,哪怕是一箱也照送不误。也许就是从这一天起,客户“上帝”般的感觉产生了。 1996、1997年间,一种集快捷、现场配置、冷冻与一次性饮用等诸多优点于一身的散装饮料机——现调机出现在了长春的街头,而这种方式马上就被长春市民所接受,并成为长春街头一道崭新亮丽的风景。也就是从那时起,长春百事这一业务在同行业中始终居于领先地位。 1997、1998年长春百事已经占据了可观的市场份额与销售量,并且连续两年获“国际百事中国区销量增长速度第一”的排名。但是他们对于先进销售模式的执著追求却矢志不渝。紧接着,长春百事又推出WAT(批发商协作)这一运营模式,不惜贴补部分营运费用,来帮助批发商服务于终端客户。 1997年——2002年之间,百事可乐在中国市场分别推出了主题为“百事18大赢加”、“百事国际球星队”、“百事音乐巨星赏”、“百事音乐任我赢”等以百事饮料的瓶盖或拉环兑换礼品的促销活动。这些活动的涉及广,影响力大,深得消费者的欢迎。对终端促销、提高销量起到了积极的作用。 针对经销商,百事可乐公司主要采取价格优惠与折扣。在1999年的碳酸饮料销售中,百事可乐批发价名列各竞争品牌最低之位,具有很强的竞争力。除价格低廉之外,百事可乐还对经销商提供短期赊销的支持、免费旅游、季度抽奖等活动,以激发经销商的经销热情。 百事可乐将第一线的销售人员分为WAT(批发协作员)和DSD(直销员)。其中DSD为主要力量,从事市场的直销工作。WAT和DSD的工作职责主要包括:销售、客户服务、产品生动化、销售管理等。对销售人员,百事可乐采取奖励直接与销售业绩挂钩的形式,在规定的基数前提下,超额完成部分奖励现金,并提供一定的福利奖励。 攻略七:线上沟通 精彩互动 在中国,百事可乐在线下传播的同时,也不遗余力地建立自己的线上传播系统——百事可乐中文网站(。该网站以游戏、音乐、活动为主题,其背景是年轻充满动感的百事标志和百事的标准色——蓝色。 2001年中国奥成功,百事可乐在网络广告中独具匠心,实现了品牌的激情无限与气势非凡的内涵画面精彩结合,从而用动感的水滴传达出了百事可乐品牌充沛的活力。醒目的文字传达出百事乐对北京申奥的支持。广告文案利用“渴望无限”和“终于解渴了”的双关语,把中国人民对奥运会的期盼巧妙地跟百事可乐产品联系在一起,从而产生了极佳的沟通效果。 在百事可乐中文网站,设有“百事足球世界”、“精彩音乐”等相关内容,这些内容增加了的网站的娱乐性与趣味性,而这也正是为创造吸引品牌注意力较好的办法。通过线上与线下的互动,百事可乐保持了线上、线下广告的连续性与一致性,从而突出了媒介给合的有效性。 通过对以上百事可乐在中国的营销策略,给我们以丰富的启迪:一、就日常消费品而言广告营销应当成为一种长期行为,同时,针对不同的淡、旺季还要抓住重点集中投放;二、要设法利用一切可以利用的广告营销方式吸引目标消费群体,增大收众群体消费意识;三、必须保持广告营销的连续性与一致性;四、注意媒体宣传的多样性;五、保证各期广告营销在活动内的连续性及与主体广告内容的一致性;六、保证自身营销广告的独特性,与对手形成鲜明反比及不同。

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Dvorak vs Qwerty the QWERTY keyboard layout. The creator of QWERTY, Christopher Latham Sholes, had originally invented a layout with a first mentioned style, where every letter follows an alphabetical order: - 3 5 7 9 N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  2 4 6 8 . A B C D E F G H I J K L M This soon became an issue with typewriters as the metal arms (typebars) would clash and jam. Sholes began to rearrange his keyboard layout so that commonly used letter combinations in the English language, such as “th” and “st” were further apart, thus preventing the typebars from jamming. Contrary to popular belief, this strategy was not to slow down the typist but rather speed them up by preventing jams. After many keyboard layout variations and Sholes’ collaboration with partners, it was eventually sold to E. Remington & Sons. From there, the company made many adjustments to QWERTY, eventually arriving at the modern layout most of us use today: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ] \ A S D F G H J K L ; ' Z X C V B N M , . / To reiterate, this is currently the most popular keyboard layout, which makes it an indisputable success. Many things have lead to its domination of the global keyboard layout market but the main reason is the “network effect”. The effect is present when the value of a product or service is dependent on the number of other people using it. Like telephones and social media, keyboard layouts become more useful as more users adopt it. Sholes brought us the QWERTY keyboard...

Words: 834 - Pages: 4

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Keyboarding Arts Learning Theory

...Theory Traditional computer keyboarding classes are so … British! We sit still with our feet on the floor, backs against our chairs, and eyes straight ahead. Basically, we sit at attention! Some students do well at mastering this traditional method for keyboarding, measured by speed and accuracy tests. However, an innovative multi-cultural approach to computer literacy utilizes Total Physical Response, using various body parts (gross motor movement) to act out a word or word phrase to be learned. TPR has been used to teach students learning second languages. Pre-Keys uses TPR to guide students as they explore letter patterns on the QWERTY computer keyboard. Dr. Morgan, the developer of Pre-Keys, invites children to sing and dance and play a form of the popular Twister game as they use their hands and feet to select letters on the oversized vinyl QWERTY keyboard. Observers then try to guess the word (taken from the weekly word list for each grade level). Another variation is displaying a list of words (such as a Spelling list) using PowerPoint with the participants (students) poking or slapping or stepping on the letters. Beginning students (learning English as a Second Language) start with simple letter recognition, saying the names as they hop on letters in rows, in columns, and in alphabetical order. Pre-Keys was so named to describe a series of activities that early childhood teachers might use to teach children as early as preschool age, best taught in small groups. The...

Words: 576 - Pages: 3

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...the factors that affect the quality of various input and output devices. * Factors that affect the quality of input devices and output devices include the speed of the device. If you put a slow device into a more faster system, it will decrease the overall system speed. Detailed Description: Keyboards I. Introduction to Keyboards * They are computer hardware input devices. * Used for controlling characters and sending special commands to the operating system. * Commonly used for text input. II. History of Keyboard * Invented during 1873. * Invented by Christopher Latham Scholes. * The first design layout was arranged in alphabetical order. III. Keyboards Layouts * QWERTY keyboards,...

Words: 389 - Pages: 2

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...Inventor of Typewriter- Christopher Latham Sholes (1815-1891) Christopher Latham Sholes is the inventor of the Typewriter. He was born on February 14, 1819 in Mooresburg, Pennsylvania. When he was teenager he moved to Danville, Pennsylvania. He learnt the printer’s trade while working as an apprentice to a printer. In 1837, he relocated to Green Bay, Wisconsin, to join his two brothers, Henry and Charles. He went to Kenosha, Wisconsin, in 1845, and became the editor of the Wisconsin Enquirer for a short time. After that, he spent all his time and tried various positions of newspaper. He was then tired of addressing newspapers to subscribers with pen and ink, so he invented several machines, which could be helpful for newspaper, such as the machine that would do the task using preset type and a treadle, and a machine that consecutively numbered railway tickets and bank notes. From 1820s, there were already some engineers who invented various machines that could be defined as typewriter, but they were slower than handwriting, used dial rather than the keys and didn’t go into commercial use until 1868. A design called cast plate, which would be adjusted to bring the desired letter into position and a hammer would force paper against the plate, inspired him to re-invent typewriter. It took only a week to determine the basic premise of his typing machine. A single letter of type, carved onto a short metal bar could be made to strike upward against a glass plate. The first model...

Words: 1917 - Pages: 8

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Nt1310 Unit 1 Exercise 2

...keys can be shrunken, because using ick or drag can reduce the number of keys required. In this case, however, the optimum region may be different from the one we used in this paper, because it is necessary to rede ne the size of regions smaller by evaluating accuracy of ick or drag. QAZ Keyboard: QWERTY...

Words: 421 - Pages: 2

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Cwv 101

...minute (wpm) for each typing practice. At the end of Lessons 5 and 10, respond to the prompt. Your response should be three to four sentences. You will submit this log in Lesson 10. Unit 1 Lesson 1 Typing Pretest 7 ____ wpm Typing Practice 9 ____ wpm Lesson Average 8 ____ Lesson Average 6.5 ____ Lesson Average 10 ____ Lesson Average 10.5 ____ Lesson Average 15.5 ____ Lesson 2 6 Typing Practice 1 ____ wpm 7 Typing Practice 2 ____ wpm Lesson 3 10 Typing Practice 1 ____ wpm 10 Typing Practice 2 ____ wpm Lesson 4 9 Typing Practice 1 ____ wpm 12 Typing Practice 2 ____ wpm Lesson 5 16 Typing Practice 1 ____ wpm 15 Typing Practice 2 ____ wpm Unit Average 10.1 ____ What have I learned about the layout of the QWERTY keyboard? The layout of the QWERTY keyboard makes it easy to learn how to type without looking. This is the most common type of keyboard if not the only type of keyboard layout. This consistency helps an individual learn how to type with ease and even without looking. The keys are not going to change, so it is just up to the person to memorize where each key is. The resting of the hands on the home row helps one visualize where the keys are without looking and hunting for each one. Computer Basics Typing Log © 2013 by FlipSwitch. All rights reser ved. Ver. 1.0 (11/2013)—Page 1 of 2 Unit 2 Lesson 6 13 Typing Practice 1 ____ wpm 16 Typing Practice 2 ____ wpm Lesson Average 14.5 ____ Lesson Average 11.5 ____ Lesson Average 16.5 ____ Lesson Average...

Words: 438 - Pages: 2

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Research in Motion Study

...partner or collaborate rather than to innovate. This is a flawed philosophy which ultimately leads to a company’s demise. This was certainly the case with RIM as it became too diverse with too many partners and no real focus on a core item. The BlackBerry tried to compete with antiquated technology or simply missed technological advances because of a tone deaf CEO who constantly read technology trends wrongly. In 2007 Balsillie commented, “"[Apple and the iPhone is] kind of one more entrant into an already very busy space with lots of choice for consumers … But in terms of a sort of a sea-change for BlackBerry, I would think that's overstating it." Co-CEO and founder, Lazaridis, posited in 2008 "The most exciting mobile trend is full Qwerty...

Words: 469 - Pages: 2

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Dell Manual

...Me and My Dell © 2014 Dell Inc. NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer. CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates potential damage to hardware or loss of data if instructions are not followed. WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death. Copyright © 2014 Dell Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. Dell™ and the Dell logo are trademarks of Dell Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. 2014 – 08 Rev. A02 Contents Windows 8.1 Features Signing in Microsoft account Local account 12 12 12 12 Locking and unlocking your computer Accessing the desktop Turning off your computer Start screen and tiles Apps Closing an app Snapping apps 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 More Information 15 Setting Up Your Computer Connecting To The Internet Connecting to the Internet Using LAN Connecting to the Internet Using WLAN Connecting to the Internet Using WWAN Setting up Audio Configuring 5.1/7.1 Audio Connecting 5.1 Speakers Connecting 7.1 Speakers Setting Up Your Printer 16 16 16 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 Contents  3 Setting Up Your Webcam Integrated Webcam External Webcam Setting up Bluetooth 22 22 22 22 About Your Computer Power Adapter Battery Coin-Cell Battery Touchpad Display Touchscreen...

Words: 18778 - Pages: 76

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...Consider your everyday pair of pivoting scissors — a common tool that every young child struggles to master, but eventually learns to use with experience in your art center. We take them for granted, but when they were first introduced in 1761, they were, quite literally, cutting-edge technology. Today, thanks to microprocessors and the Internet, there are many new types of “scissors” for a child to master — and for that matter, for us adults, too. But what specifically should a young child know about digital technologies? The first step is to start thinking beyond the mouse and keyboard. Consider, for example, that most children growing up today have opened up a musical greeting card. This interaction involves a microprocessor that is more powerful than the first IBM PC! By using your curriculum as a template, it is easy to spot the experiences that support such common skills as language, social learning, logic and creativity. So how do you teach a preschooler technology? You don’t. By merely integrating such experiences into a child’s daily routine, they can try them on for size and become more adept at using them. Technical "mysteries," such as using pull-down menus or knowing when a toy needs fresh batteries, soon become second nature. Again, use your curriculum as your guide. To promote socialization, have two chairs at a computer screen instead of one, and look for iPad apps that promote turn-taking and offer multiple challenge levels. Keep things in balance with...

Words: 691 - Pages: 3

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Marketing of Joy

...keting of Joy ZTE A candy-bar android-based smartphone with QWERTY keyboard that we customized for young consumers from 18 to 25 with low or no income. This phones features a couple key functions that the target expects, such as SMS, music and app. A couple of challenges: * Low brand awareness * Competition of similar products – different to differentiate * Limited exposure to traditional media of the target consumers – live in close campuses, online, travel in buses, etc. Thus the challenge was to how to attract consumers to our product among tons of competitive products and by which way and how, given our low brand awareness. Our solution was to make it personally connected to the audience through a series of product design competitions. The competition includes designs for general UI, ID, desktop background, the UI for key features, like SMS and Music player. We encouraged the participants to give us design proposals and we award them with cash prize. We also offer to pay them copyright license fees if they designs are adopted at the end. Our principle in the competition is open, interactive, and personal. In order to promote the competition, we recruited campus ambassadors in universities who helped us promote the competition on campus. We advertised the completion online and opened our webpage on Facebook to create interactive relationships with the targets, and we also invited the Facebook fans to evaluate the design works. And we invited press...

Words: 339 - Pages: 2

Premium Essay


...Where is BlackBerry? Do they still make phones? These are questions people ask when questioned about the smartphone company BlackBerry. Many people do not know of the completely new and exciting line of smart phones that will change the way you communicate on a day to day basis. It is sad to say that ever since 2009 BlackBerry has disappeared from the public's common knowledge, however, they have redesigned and honed in on creating multiple limit smashing phones. The new line of phones is called BlackBerry 10. These phones all come with the all new BlackBerry operating system 10 (BBOS10). The telecommunications giant now produces three new hand sets: the BlackBerry Q10 (with the traditional QWERTY Keyboard), the Z10 (a full touch screen, gesture based device) and the Z30 (with a 5" touch screen), these devices will change the way you communicate. BlackBerry is back in the game and should be given another chance, the reasons being are: the new handsets, the new operating system and BBM (BlackBerry Messenger)  The BlackBerry Q10 is a half touch screen half keyboard phone. Its sleek design makes it a beautiful device to look at and comes in either black or white. As well as the visual appeal the Q10 uses BBOS 10, an operating system designed to make your life easier and more efficient. BlackBerry is no longer solely a business phone but has great merit when it comes to the general public. People that made the switch to Apple when BlackBerry began to decline will be pleased to know...

Words: 357 - Pages: 2

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...Qwerty ni h ynbuyui mbubmuy b, u yh b bnhmbkuy bumk ,u ybm, uyu ,n uykh,k ln Qwerty ni h ynbuyui mbubmuy b, u yh b bnhmbkuy bumk ,u ybm, uyu ,n uykh,k ln Qwerty ni h ynbuyui mbubmuy b, u yh b bnhmbkuy bumk ,u ybm, uyu ,n uykh,k ln Qwerty ni h ynbuyui mbubmuy b, u yh b bnhmbkuy bumk ,u ybm, uyu ,n uykh,k ln Qwerty ni h ynbuyui mbubmuy b, u yh b bnhmbkuy bumk ,u ybm, uyu ,n uykh,k ln Qwerty ni h ynbuyui mbubmuy b, u yh b bnhmbkuy bumk ,u ybm, uyu ,n uykh,k ln Qwerty ni h ynbuyui mbubmuy b, u yh b bnhmbkuy bumk ,u ybm, uyu ,n uykh,k ln Qwerty ni h ynbuyui mbubmuy b, u yh b bnhmbkuy bumk ,u ybm, uyu ,n uykh,k ln Qwerty ni h ynbuyui mbubmuy b, u yh b bnhmbkuy bumk ,u ybm, uyu ,n uykh,k ln Qwerty ni h ynbuyui mbubmuy b, u yh b bnhmbkuy bumk ,u ybm, uyu ,n uykh,k ln Qwerty ni h ynbuyui mbubmuy b, u yh b bnhmbkuy bumk ,u ybm, uyu ,n uykh,k ln Qwerty ni h ynbuyui mbubmuy b, u yh b bnhmbkuy bumk ,u ybm, uyu ,n uykh,k ln Qwerty ni h ynbuyui mbubmuy b, u yh b bnhmbkuy bumk ,u ybm, uyu ,n uykh,k ln Qwerty ni h ynbuyui mbubmuy b, u yh b bnhmbkuy bumk ,u ybm, uyu ,n uykh,k ln Qwerty ni h ynbuyui mbubmuy b, u yh b bnhmbkuy bumk ,u ybm, uyu ,n uykh,k ln Qwerty ni h ynbuyui mbubmuy b, u yh b bnhmbkuy bumk ,u ybm, uyu ,n uykh,k ln Qwerty ni h ynbuyui mbubmuy b, u yh b bnhmbkuy bumk ,u ybm, uyu ,n uykh,k ln Qwerty ni h ynbuyui mbubmuy b, u yh b bnhmbkuy bumk ,u ybm, uyu ,n uykh,k ln Qwerty ni h ynbuyui mbubmuy b, u yh b bnhmbkuy bumk ,u ybm, uyu ,n uykh,k ln Qwerty ni h ynbuyui...

Words: 1152 - Pages: 5

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World Is Smaller from Technology

...Disabilities in people can be from hearing lose or to an extreme case as being blind. Even people with disabilities have a right to learn just like people with no disabilities. Certain hardware and software designs have been created by many people to help these disabilities people thru their everyday struggle. I chose four devices that show how they help these individuals. The first software I have chosen is the Co:Writer 4000. This software is used in sync with software like word processor or story-writing program. It is a type-and-speak writing assistant, created to aid users to write complete and correct sentences with little keystrokes. This software was produced by Don, Johnston, Inc. Reference: Next is hardware called the Maltron Mouth / Head Stick Keyboard. This keyboard is designed for people who cannot use their hands. They simply push the keyboard that is in front of their face with an object, such as a pencil, to hit the keys. This keyboard is produced by Maltron. Reference : The Braille Edge 40 is a hardware I chose next. It is made for the blind mainly and helps them to be able to read, take notes, have scheduled reminders, calculate, etc. This hardware is produced and sold by HIMS. Reference: Finally, The Zygo Head Pointer is a hardware used to aid people...

Words: 293 - Pages: 2

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Questionnaire Test

...QUESTIONNAIRE SHEET NAME OF STUDENT: _______________________________________ MAT. NO.: _______________________________________ SECTION: _______________________________________ COURSE TITLE: _______________________________________ PROGRAM: _______________________________________ DATE OF ADMISSION: _______________________________________ ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS AFTER READING THE HANDOUT CAREFULLY. 1. __________________________define an office as a room or building where the clerical processes are being carried out to start, develop and control the various activities of business. 2. There are two types of office layout namely___________________ and __________________ 3. Source of noise in the office could be either___________________ or ___________________ 4. _________________, ____________________, _________________, ___________________ are examples of office machine. 5. A processes whereby a master copy is prepared from which a large number of other copies can be automatically reproduced is referred to as_______________________ machine. 6. A machine that receive information, process, it stores it , analysis it and produced it is referred to as___________________________________ 7. ________________ and _________________ are types of machine used to print on an envelop the design of a postage stamp and date mark. 8. ________________________ is a machine used to print on an envelop the design of a postage stamp and date marks. 9. ______________________...

Words: 306 - Pages: 2

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Nt1310 Unit 4

...1. Describe the process by which software recognizes keystrokes. Keystrokes are translated into electrical signals by the modern keyboard. They use an integrate microprocessor to generate bit-stream outputs. Pressing a key sends a coded signal to the controller, and the controller generates a bit-stream output according to an internal program or lookup table. 2. What is a font? What is point size? A font is a collection of characters of similar style and appearance. Point size refers to characters’ height not with. 3. What are the additive colors? What are the subtractive colors? What types of I/O devices use each kind of color? Additive colors are the primary colors for video display (red, green, blue). Subtractive colors are cyan (absence of red), magenta (absence of green), and yellow (absences of blue) it is often referred to by the abbreviation CMY. A monitor is an I/O device that uses additive colors. A printer is an I/O device that uses subtractive colors. 4. What is a bitmap? How does a bitmap’s chromatic resolution affect its size? A bitmap is a stored set of numbers describing the content of all pixels in an image. A monochrome display displays one of two colors and requires only one bit per pixel. A grayscale display displays black, white and shades of gray. The number of gray shades that can be displayed increases with the number of bits used to represent a pixel. If 8 bits per pixel are used, 254 shades of gray are available in addition to pure black (0)...

Words: 1008 - Pages: 5