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Racial Profiling Research Paper

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Racial Profiling “There is definately some racial profiling. But we need to ensure that it is done for the right reasons to ensure the security of people. It is absolutely imperative that this is not abused” (Keith Vaz). According to ACLU, racial profiling “refers to the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual's race, ethnicity, religion, or national origin.” Racial profiling is more common in busy cities, like L.A. rather than small towns in rural areas. MacDonald says that, “L.A. cops discriminate against minorities.” Racial profiling becomes more common every day, but people disagree whether it actually prevents crime or is it just discrimination. Many …show more content…
In general, discrimination gives minorities fewer chances to have a decent life (Lusted 82). Racism also ruins the chances for minority groups. There are tons of ways for them to become poor and stay poor (Lusted 31). Our society has been like this ever since slavery and trying to have everyone change and stop this completely is nearly impossible. People that are African receive a lower income and higher poverty rate than white people do (Lusted 81). When it comes to law enforcement, racism and discrimination are just as bad. Some people think that cops are innocent in this situation, that may be true. Some cops may ask people to get out of their cars based on behavior and not race (MacDonald). That may be true and there are some cops that do follow that. There is some situations where racial profiling is okay to use. More than half homicides were gang related in 2001 (MacDonald). In situations like crimes that serious it can be useful to use racial profiling, but on the roads and pulling people over for no reason isn’t …show more content…
This is statistically proven when used in the right context. Racial profiling helps police find suspects with racial cues since some crimes are committed more by some ethnicities (Occupytheory). This is only helpful when the description of one is very detailed. If it’s not, then police will misinterpret and pull over people that could be suspects, but actually aren’t. It can also save some money since police are trying to find a specific criminal (Occupytheory). “The main reason for racial profiling is to help stop terrorists,” said Pabillare. It’s very beneficial to stop major threats from other countries and people in our country. It keeps terrorists attacks less likely… one that is suspected from a race can be prevented from committing a crime (Lombardo). Having law enforcement monitoring suspicious conversations can help keep our country and communities safe. This is something that keeps people feeling

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