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Rainsford In Connell's The Most Dangerous Game

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Rainsford in Connell’s “The Most Dangerous Game” is a protagonist who comes across a life-threatening game. Rainsford is a courageous character who uses his intelligence and hunting experience to outwit his hunter. Rainsford was placed in this environment unexpectedly but his experience with the game was enough to keep him alive. Not only did he outsmart Ivan and the hounds, Rainsford also outsmarted Zaroff. “His mind worked frantically. He thought of a naïve trick he had learned in Uganda,” (Connell 235). Rainsford uses his past experiences to build on his ideas to win Genera Zaroff’s game. By jumping into the ocean to outrun the hounds, Rainsford proves his bravery. According to the Encyclopedia of Adventure Fiction, Rainsford is “usually

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