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Rational Pigs


Submitted By esporro
Words 358
Pages 2
The Rational Pigs.

Here is a question posed in the book by John McMillan, Games, Strategies and Managers.

Two pigs, one dominant and the other subordinate, are put in a box. There is a lever at one end of the box which, when pressed, dispenses food at the other end. Thus, the pig that presses the lever must run to the other end; by the time it gets there, the other pig has eaten most, but not all, of the food. The dominant pig is able to prevent the subordinate pig from getting any of the food when both are at the food. Assume that pig survival depends upon getting the most food it possibly can, which pig will press the lever?

The Rational Pigs.

To answer this
• 6 units of grain are delivered.
• That pressing the lever and running to the other end involves effort, equivalent to ½ unit of grain
• Each could press the lever simultaneously but the subordinate pig could run faster.

Dominant Pig: Press Don’t Press
Subordinate Pig:
Press (1.5, 3.5) (-0.5, 6)
Don’t Press (5, 0.5) (0, 0)

Clearly, the subordinate pig has a dominant strategy (Don’t press). Why? Because his payoffs from pressing the lever are 1.5 and -0.5. If he doesn’t press the lever his payoffs are 5 or 0. In other words, as 5 is greater than 1.5 and 0 is greater than -0.5, it will always pay the subordinate pig to stop at the end where the food is released. This is a ‘rational’ choice. The ‘rational’ dominant pig should see this and press the lever. The equilibrium in this instance is the bottom left hand payoff of 5 units of food for the subordinate pig and 0.5 units for the dominant pig.

Amazing I know but there are lots of instances when the less dominant player can win a game if rationality prevails. Of course, this is a one-shot game and other things may prevail but the strict logic of game theory shows that it is possible for smaller players to win out in certain circumstances.

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