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Rational Use of Motivation


Submitted By Tongw
Words 1250
Pages 5
Rational use of motivation Incentives are an important part of human resources. It is a psychological term, refers to stimulate mental processes of human behavior. This concept is used to motivate management refers to inspire motivation of employees, that the use of a variety of effective ways to mobilize their enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, so that employees strive to complete business tasks and achieve business goals. Therefore, enterprises motivate fundamental purpose is to induce the proper motivation of employees, so that they achieve organizational goals while achieving their own needs, increase their satisfaction, so their enthusiasm, initiative and creativity continue to maintain and carry forward. It can be said of incentive theory is good or bad to some extent, an important factor in determining the success of an enterprise. How to make motivation usefully has become a very important issue in modern human resource management faces. Depends on the interviews, it is accordingly that combine various motivators will maximize incentive because every employee are different, manager can't use only one method to achieve the purpose of incentive. There are three different motivation methods that interviewee were mentioned and these methods all take play in their work life, but the primary motivation is different. Firstly, all interviewees were mention material motivation, such as salary and welfare. Material needs as a fundamental human needs for people who engaged in social activities, the basic motivation in the market economy to improve employee motivation, there must be some material guarantee, which enable to obtain the stable economy reward, and achieve their needs, increase their satisfaction, so their initiative and creativity continue to maintain and develop. One of interviewee said that material motivation is his primary

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