Free Essay

Recall Effects


Submitted By bisidada
Words 4209
Pages 17

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...Spillover in Brand Portfolios: Exploring the Antecedents of Asymmetric Effects Jing Lei, Niraj Dawar, & Jos Lemmink Executive Summary Marketers often cultivate brand relatedness in their brand portfolios to increase marketing efficiency through positive spillover of brand equity, but creating linkages between brands may also make them vulnerable to negative spillover in which negative news about a brand can change evaluations of related brands that are not directly implicated. For example, if the Corn Flakes brand is subject to severe quality problems prompting product recalls, consumers might update their evaluations not just of Corn Flakes but also of other Kellogg’s subbrands. The objectives of this research are to examine negative spillover effects in brand portfolios and factors that influence it. The results show that the pattern of spillover is influenced by not only the strength of association between brands but also the directionality of brand association. This finding has implications for the management of negative spillover effect. For example, a crisis at Subbrand A may not influence evaluations of Subbrand B to the same extent that the same crisis at Subbrand B influences evaluations of Subbrand A. Managers need to be aware of this asymmetric spillover to design efficient remedy strategies that avoid exposing brands to unintended risk. To gain a deeper understanding of the asymmetrical spillover effect as a result of association asymmetry, the authors also examined...

Words: 505 - Pages: 3

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...1. What were the drivers of Toyota´s accelerators crisis? Why was Toyota facing a recall crisis? The drivers of Toyota crisis were Strategic, structural and cultural issues. At the strategic level, the cost reduction strategy added with the increasing of the output volume strategy caused a decrease in quality.    Furthermore, the structure of Toyota (HQs in Japan and not in the U.S) impacted Toyota’s response to customer’s claims, taking a long time to address Toyota consumer’s concerns, and in fact was one of the most criticized issues during the crisis. In other words, the company took a considerable time before recalling units that meant life losses and significant economic impacts. At the cultural managerial level, there were difficulties driven by how Japanese address the situation vs. how Americans deal with the problems. The company lost its original philosophy due to different cultural orientations between Japanese headquarters and North American subsidiaries.  The fact that Toyota was recovering from its last unit’s recall (due to motors leaking oil) plus the beginning of the global financial crisis, ended up yielding a deviation of the original long term plan to look after the U.S subsidiary´s financial performance, triggering a swap in the three main pillars of Toyota (Safety, Quality and Volume).    2. Michael Porter claims that “operational effectiveness” is not a strategy. Why was operational effectiveness such a focus at Toyota? What are the downsides...

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...TECNOLÓGICO DE MONTERREY | THUNDERBIRD Production Operation Management TOYOTA: THE ACCELERATOR CRISIS Study Case Report | | 1. What were the drivers of Toyota´s accelerators crisis? Why was Toyota facing a recall crisis? The drivers of Toyota crisis were Strategic, structural and cultural issues. At the strategic level, the cost reduction strategy added with the increasing of the output volume strategy caused a decrease in quality. Furthermore, the structure of Toyota (HQs in Japan and not in the U.S) impacted Toyota’s response to customer’s claims, taking a long time to address Toyota consumer’s concerns, and in fact was one of the most criticized issues during the crisis. In other words, the company took a considerable time before recalling units that meant life losses and significant economic impacts. At the cultural managerial level, there were difficulties driven by how Japanese address the situation vs. how Americans deal with the problems. The company lost its original philosophy due to different cultural orientations between Japanese headquarters and North American subsidiaries. The fact that Toyota was recovering from its last unit’s recall (due to motors leaking oil) plus the beginning of the global financial crisis, ended up yielding a deviation of the original long term plan to look after the U.S subsidiary´s financial performance, triggering a swap in the three main pillars of Toyota (Safety, Quality and Volume). 2. Michael Porter...

Words: 301 - Pages: 2

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Glass Worker

...Case Study: A Laid-off Glass Worker Issue in the case Ronald Petrie was laid off from the company on March 20, 1997 and from the beginning of May that year, the remaining employees of the Glass department were made to work over-time and at the same time; a few other employees from different departments were transferred to the Glass department. The Union’s contention is that the management was wrong in not making a recall for Petrie when it realized in the beginning of May that there can be an opening for a job in the Glass department, while the management argues that it is their right to decide whether the opening was required or not. The issue in the case is whether the management has violated the labour agreement by discharging Petrie and then putting other Glass department workers on overtime and transferring people from other classifications to this department, and not considering making a recall to Petrie for this duration of time. Union’s position The union’s position can be described as follows: (i) the labour agreement clearly tells that if employees are laid-off from work as a result of reduction in workforce, and an opening occurs in the classification they were working for, then they will be recalled to that classification in order of seniority provided the concerned employee is physically able to return to work and perform in a satisfactory manner, (ii) looking at the overtime and temporary transfer...

Words: 1210 - Pages: 5

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Tylenol Crisis of 1982

...1982 John Doe Business Society September 30, 2015 Abstract In this paper I talked about the Johnson and Johnson Tylenol case of 1832. I explained the case and defended Johnson and Johnson’s ethical decision. I learned that this case paved the way for companies to start recalling their products if there is something wrong with them. Tylenol crisis of 1982 Johnson and Johnson’s Tylenol product had become one of the most successful over the counter product in the United States. Then mysterious deaths all around the US were being linked to Tylenol. Johnson and Johnson was faced with the ethical decision whether or not they should have a recall on their product or not. Many companies have been put in the ethical decision of right and wrong before. Johnson and Johnson decided that the best decision they could make was to recall their product from the market. Even though this decision may have set Johnson and Johnson back in the short term, eventually they were able to come back even stronger in the long term. Johnson and Johnson’s Tylenol was cashing in 19 percent of its profits. Tylenol was becoming one of the most successful products ever. The fall of 1982 comes around and there are reports of deaths that doctors are relating to Tylenol. Many Tylenol bottles were reported tampered with. Somebody had replaced the pills in a Tylenol bottle with cyanide-laced capsules. These pills were killing people. These deaths put the pressure on Johnson and Johnson to fix what had...

Words: 1084 - Pages: 5

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Cognitive Science Methods

...concreteness and word length was the same. The list consists of 18 high frequency words and 18 low frequency words. Participants were also given a sheet of paper numbered 1-36. Participants were instructed to study and to write down an estimate (on the numbered paper given) of the chance of how well they would do at recalling each word on a later test (i.e. if you thought you had 80% chance of recalling a word, you would write down 80). After participants were presented with the words once, they were instructed that there would be an additional chance for them to study some of the words (without making recall estimates). While participants were instructed to write down estimate times, they were also told whether a word would be presented once or twice. After participants were done studying the list of words, they were then asked to write down as many words as they could recall. Procedure First participants were told to look in front of the classroom at the overhead projection as the instructor was about to present the list of 36 words. The instructor then began to run a practice trial. The...

Words: 784 - Pages: 4

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Frequent Fixer

...costs of product recalls consists of two methods. The first is the accrual of “small campaigns” that are subject to a threshold of $100,000 (total campaign costs per product). Small campaigns are estimated and recorded together with the warranty reserve at the time of sale, since all payments related to such campaigns are expected to fall within the warranty period. The second is the accrual of “major campaigns” when announcement of the recall campaign is made. A major campaign involves consideration of numerous variables (for example, the number of defect occurrences, public safety issues, public relations concerns, evaluation of potential litigation, and so forth) and requires management approval prior to being announced. As part of a review of its accounting policies, Frequent Fixer began an internal evaluation of its product recall costs and its ability to reliably estimate and record product recall costs at the time of sale. The following summarizes the costs of announced product recall campaigns by Frequent Fixer in recent years: 1995 $ 8,000,000 1996 $ 11,500,000 1997 $ 15,500,000 1998 $ 20,000,000 1999 $ 32,000,000 2000 $ 50,000,000 From the data above, Frequent Fixer identified that the frequency and size of product recall campaigns, either voluntarily or mandated by industry regulators, have increased significantly in recent years. Frequent Fixer believes that the increased frequency and costs of product recall campaigns are the...

Words: 436 - Pages: 2

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...Factors That Affects Study Habits of Students in Jpnhs In: Social Issues Factors That Affects Study Habits of Students in Jpnhs SURVEY FORM FACTOR THAT MOSTLY AFFECTS THE STUDY HABITS OF STUDENTS IN SECONDARY EDUCATION 4th year Question: what factor mostly affects the study habits of students in secondary education? Instructions: Put a check mark ( ) for the category that you prefer most NAME | YEAR AND SECTION | LOVE/CRUSH | FAMILY | PEER | ALJOHN MASOTES | IV-E | | | | CHRISTINA PADILLA | IV-B | | | | CHARLENE KATE GRACILLA | IV-I | | | | REYMART ALBANO | IV-B | | | | JOMAR BOGATE | IV-B | | | | HONEY GRACE VIDAL | IV-E | | | | ARRIANE GUATNO | IV-E | | | | VON JERIC DEPONE | IV-S | | | | HOWELL LANCE REYES | IV-S | | | | BRANDON MARK BRUTAS | IV-S | | | | NERISSA PANOL | IV-CDA | | | | MAY ANDREA ROBLES | IV-CDA | | | | JEZZEL MAÑALAC | IV-CDA | | | | ROMMEL BINO JR. | IV-G | | | | CYRELL ROSE CONDES | IV-G | | | | SURVEY CONDUCTED BY: SURVEY FORM FACTOR THAT MOSTLY AFFECTS THE STUDY HABITS OF STUDENTS IN SECONDARY EDUCATION 3rd year Question: what factor mostly affects the study habits of students in secondary education? Instructions: Put a check mark ( ) for the category that you prefer most NAME | YEAR AND SECTION | LOVE/CRUSH | FAMILY | PEER | ANGELU CLUTARIO | III-M | | | | ELMAR MONTEVEROS | III-O | | | | ELIZABETH ABAD | III-C | | | | RHEY MARK CASERO | III-M | | | | ANGEL ROSE MANULID | III-M | | | | ...

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