Premium Essay



Submitted By Montball
Words 1386
Pages 6
The day that President Obama was sworn in as president is significant to me, more than just for the event. Certainly the event itself has historical meaning to all Americans, but the thing I remember most is that that was the day that I learned a very important lesson from my children

Leading up to the election my children were very excited that an African American man has a chance to become president of the United States. I have to admit, I was pretty excited myself. However, the history of the country did not lead me to believe that it would actually happen. For numerous reasons I had my doubts. In the months leading up to the election I warned my children not to get too disappointed if things didn’t work out the way they wanted it to. Despite my warnings, as Election Day grew near my children actually became even more excited. Secretly, I was just as excited. Nevertheless, I did not want to get my hopes up too high. Honestly, I still did not believed that it would happen. I was preparing to sooth the disappointment in my children once the election results were announced.

Election Day was a big event at my house. All my friends and family had gathered over and we were all tuned in to the television. Hour after hour I saw Obama leading the polls and I begin to feel a certain excitement that it might actually happen. I remember it being a school night for the children. We allowed them to stay up since this was such an historical event. When Barack Obama finally won our house erupted in cheers. We went out into the street and there are even more people running up and down the streets celebrating. Everyone in our community was ecstatic, especially my children. Immediately they started asking me could we go to the inauguration in Washington DC. Without even checking my financial situation, I promised them that we would make it.

Two days before President Obama

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