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Related Literature Summaries In China

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Chapter 2
Summary of Review of Related Literature Environmental Calamities in China

People know little about China and the Chinese but we are familiar with the calamities that affect this country. They have gone through series of famines, floods, starvation as well as typhus and small- pox which further brought more suffering and death to those who are impoverished. In China, 800 famines had happened in a span of 1,000 years and is not known by people outside the country. A famine during 1878 was able to kill around 9 to 13 million lives due to these calamities. The famine affects an area of over 50,000 square miles and population of 3,000,000 people.

These incidents lead to families becoming divided. Some members become refugees and others stay at home. Others save whatever stock they have and try to fit the food they have for a certain amount of time. For a farmer on the other hand, a four …show more content…
In China, suffering and frequency of floods and drought has increased since the 1950’s. It is said in studies that a lot of rice farmers try to adjust their farming practices and try to adapting to the extreme changes in weather. It affects the mean, the risk and downside risk of rice yield. It is said that there is an increase of the risk and downside risk of the rice yield due to the severity of the drought and flood.

Farmers have taken various physical and non-physical measures to solve their rising problems brought by extreme weather changes. The solutions that they do through physical means are investing in and repair of their irrigation facilities. For the non-physical means, this includes proper management in farming, insurance, and others that involves cheaper investments. The most common solutions that farmers use to adapt are reseeding, fixing and cleaning

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