Premium Essay

Religions of the World


Submitted By Bellspoppy
Words 822
Pages 4
The study of the religions of the world can help us as adelete…do not use personal pronouns in research papers…considered too informal of a tone…. society and asdelete individuals become more understanding, thoughtful, and tolerant of others. The major Abrahamic religions of the world today consist of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and are structured similarly, but differ in many ways, and all have their own issues with extremists that might be more tolerant if they were to understand how close these religions are to one another. The study of the structural similarities is important in understanding each of these groups. The approach of studying Christianity, Judaism, and Islam can be similar in many ways. Firstcomma one wedelete personal pronouns… must understand where the religious beliefs come from. White (n.d.), “The religious texts and traditions are born within these groups unite and mold the communities that share them into a whole civilization and evolve into worlds of common thought and composition” (Extremism). All Abrahamic religions believe in a single god with a divine plan. Followers believe that life is predetermined by god and that god has a fixed plan for each individual. Supporters of these faiths all have a sacred area where praise, ritual and material expression is practiced, whether it be the Christian’s church, the Jew’s synagogue, or the Islamism’s mosque. These people all have a strong belief in ethics, community, central myths, and sacredness. They share many common ideas in where and how they practice their beliefs, but where their beliefs come from and what they believe in are very different. The practices of Christianity, Judaism and Islam are diverse in who they praise and the scriptures they follow. They all believe in an enlightened being that comes from within yet there are many differences. Christians believe that Jesus Christ

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