Premium Essay



Submitted By yves16
Words 1107
Pages 5
How QuizStar Works…

for Students


I. Logging-on

New user

Registering for a class-

IV. Taking a quiz

V. Viewing your results

VI. Help

VII. Logging out

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I. Logging-on

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You will need to log on here to get to any quiz.

If you don’t have a username and password you will need to “Sign up.”


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II. New user

“Sign up” with this Registration.

You have to do this if you are going to use QuizStar to take any quizzes.

This will let you set up a place to view quizzes for all your classes.


Make sure your “Username” is something that you will remember.

But don’t worry. If you forget your user name and password, your teacher will be able to help you once you have registered for a class.

Select “Register” after the form is complete.


We will not give your information to anyone.

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III. Registering for a Class

This is the first page you will see after you register. You will know it is your page because it will show your first and last name.

This is your “Classes” page. All the classes you are registered for will be listed here.

This page will be empty until you locate and register for a class. After you register for classes they will be listed on this page.

Select the “Search” tab to locate and sign up for a class and quiz. Your teacher will let you know how to search for a quiz assigned to your class.


Use the blue section to search for a class. You can search for up to four classes at a time by teacher’s name, keyword, or class title.

Use the green section to search for a particular quiz. You can

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