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Submitted By dianara
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A Comparative Study of the Perception of the “Speak Good English” Campaign between the Grade 6 Students and their English teachers in the Philippine Women’s College of Davao

A Research Paper Presented to the SEMAP Subject
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Writing of
Philippine Women’s College of Davao

Submitted by:
Albarracin, Danielle M.
Lu, Sabrina M.
Tape, Mary Angelu Y.

Submmited to:
Glyd B. Arañes

December, 2014

Definition of Terms * “Speak Good English” campaign – A campaign in PWC wherein every class is required to speak in English. The students shall be rated by their different subject teachers for each hour they shall be with the class. The class with the highest overall rating shall be awarded as the Best English Speaking Class of the week. * Grade six students – The respondents of this study who are participants of the campaign. They are composed of the sections Enthusiasm, Optimism and Patriotism. * English teachers – Another group of respondents of this study. They teach English to the grade six students. The teachers educate the students to sharpen their skills in English for them to perform better in the said campaign. * EO 210 – An executive order which was approved in the year 2003 here in the Philippines, whereas it strengthens the use of the English language as a medium of instruction * Perception- The understanding of the respondents to the “Speak Good English” campaign and how they react to the said campaign. * Value- The principles or standard of behavior that a grade six student might develop or acquire when they adhere to the “Speak Good English” campaign. * Improvement- The betterment of a grade six student’s actions, insights, literacy, and speaking

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