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Research Paper on Keeping Up with the Kardashians


Submitted By deborahti
Words 948
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University of Reading

Section name

External Affairs Directorate

Darwin Lecture
24 November 2009

Please find information below regarding the Special Darwin Anniversary Public Lecture to be given by Professor Mark Pagel on Tuesday 24 November 2009.

Programme hrs 1700



Set-up undertaken/overseen by Fiona Blair (FB)/ Laura Walsh (LJW): Business School Foyer

Foyer-set-up o o

Displays case set-up -- Fiona Meluish to arrive to set-up display (1 x clothed table for literature) (FB)


Cole Museum display -- Amanda Callaghan (FB)


Catering to set-up drinks stations (using G09 as base, furniture for stations from here too) (LW/FB)


Registration area to be set-up for guests to collect tickets (LJW )


Furniture moved/stored to allow spaces for catering and display materials (FB)

Clothed literature table (Research Review,
Community, Public Lectures, Christmas Concert)

Lecture theatre set-up/check -- Mark Taylor o •


Check all AV/lighting/microphones etc (FB)
Reserved seating (FB/LJW)

Signage set-up - Security staff to put out signage (FB/LJW to ensure all signs in frames by 1700hrs)

Cole Museum open

Cole Museum

Amanda Callaghan to open up the Cole Museum for visitors. All guests, when registering for the lecture, were informed. Additional signage in place to direct visitors.

Set-up complete and staff helpers in place

Business School Foyer

Staff working on event to be in Business School and ready as follows. FB to provide short briefing to all supporting staff re. the running of the evening.

©University of Reading 2010

Tuesday 12 October 2010

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Aimee Rich (AR)-- Registration

Carol Derham (CD)-- Greeting/assisting guests

Lucy Wallace (LW)-- Greeting/assisting guests

Fiona Blair (FB) -- VIP liaison and overseeing

Byron Neale (BN) -- Assisting with seating of guests

Fiona Melhuish (FM) -- Darwin display


Laura Walsh (LJW)-- Registration

Amanda Callaghan (AC) -- Cole Museum display

Catering set-up complete

Business School foyer

All catering set-up complete and ready to serve guests.

Arrival and registration (LJW and AR)

Business School foyer

Upon arrival ALL guests must report to the reception/registration desk in order to collect their ticket(s).
Once guests have collected tickets to be invited to make their way into the main foyer to take a drink and to view the Darwin exhibit.

AV check (FB plus Mark Taylor)
Fiona Blair will escort Professor Pagel, Professor Marshall and
Professor Brooks into the lecture theatre to run a short sound/AV check. Business School
Lecture theatre

Once this is complete, the three professors to remain in the lecture theatre at their reserved seats.

Guests into lecture theatre
Once sound check is complete, FB to liaise with LJW re. arrivals.

Business School
Lecture theatre

If at/near capacity to move guests into the Lecture theatre:

Laura Walsh (LJW)-- Moving guests to both entrances

Carol Derham (CD)-- RH entrance -- checking tickets

Lucy Wallace (LW)-- LH entrance -- checking tickets

Fiona Blair (FB) -- In lecture theatre seating guests (all spaces must be used)


Aimee Rich (AR)-- remain at Registration for late comers

Byron Neale (BN) -- In lecture theatre seating guests (all spaces must be used)

Once all guests are in place. Fiona Blair to alert Professor Marshall to commence the lecture proceedings as follows:

Welcome -- Professor Gordon Marshall (2-3mins)
Intro. to Prof Pagel -- Professor Gavin Brooks (5mins)
Lecture -- Professor Mark Pagel (45-50mins)
Q&A -- Chaired/hosted by Gavin Brooks (10-15mins) o ©University of Reading 2010

At the end of the Q&A Professor Brooks to wrap

LJW and AR to remain outside, tidy
late-comers etc/oversee catering pack down
LW and CD to sit in

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

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reserved seats at rear of lecture theatre on opposite sides

proceedings, offer thanks and bid guests a safe journey home.
N.B. Professor Pagel will wear a lapel mic, all other speeches to be given from lectern (with built in mic).

FB and BN to sit in reserved seats near front on opposite sides

Should it be required a roaming mic will be available for audience members to use during Q&A (manned by FB).

Lecture concludes
At the end of the lecture, support staff to take positions to assist guests as they leave the lecture theatre/building as follows:

Aimee Rich (AR)-- Near exit to building/registration

Byron Neale (BN) -- Near exit to building/registration

Laura Walsh (LJW)-- In main foyer to direct guests as they leave theatre

Carol Derham (CD)-- To take RH door

Lucy Wallace (LW)-- To take LH door

Fiona Blair (FB) -- In lecture theatre assisting guests

Those staff manning displays to re-take their places to meet/advise guests as necessary.

Event close
Final guests to depart and pack down to commence.

Display materials dismantled and stored/taken away

Darwin exhibit to be cleared by FM and taken away for safe storage •

All furniture to be replaced to original locations

Signage to be taken in (security to assist)

Building lock-up
Support staff to depart and building to be locked down by porters on duty.

Health and Safety information
In the event of an emergency the following staff will act as responsible marshalls to ensure evacuation of the building:

Byron Neale

Fiona Blair

Laura Walsh

N.B. due to strict fire capacity constraints, the max. number of individuals in the foyer/lecture theatre must not exceed 275.

©University of Reading 2010

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

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Also --- that no persons aged under 10years old are permitted on floors other than the ground floor (not even if accompanied by an adult).

Contact Details

©University of Reading 2010

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

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