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Research Paper On Marco Polo's Journey To China

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Marco Polo’s Terrific Journey Through Asia Imagine becoming the governor of China when you’re from Italy, that’s what Marco Polo did on his journey through Asia. When one hears the name Marco Polo he or she thinks of the game, but Marco Polo was much more than a game. Marco Polo’s journey through Asia made him the most well known traveler of the Middle Ages. According to Diana Childress in her book, Marco Polo’s Journey to China, Marco Polo’s journey didn’t start with him; it actually started with his father and grandfather. They arrived at Sudak being Venetian merchants. In 1254 when they arrived in Venice, Italy Marco Polo was born (Marco Polo). In her book Marco Polo’s Journey to China, Diana Childress states that Marco went with his father and grandfather on their journey. As Marco Polo grew older his adventures began. At a young age, Marco Polo was already very interested in exploring. According to Dale Anderson in his book …show more content…
Diana Childress informs in her book Marco Polo’s Journey to China that Marco kept this title for two years. After the two years were up, Marco remained the governor of China (Scalay). Once all of these great things started to happen to the Polos, they thought that China was a gold mine of information and of money. China and the Mongols had little to no information about the land in the west (Marco Polo and His Travels). Marco came down with a bad illness in China that set him back on his journey (Scalay). Explorers Who Found New Worlds by Dale Anderson informs that when the Polos crossed the Gobi desert on their way home, the land was the same as it is today. The Polos wanted to become Christians when they were in China, and they made this happen. (Marco Polo and His Travels). After Marco’s successful life in China, he also wanted to explore more of

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