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Research Process Terminology


Submitted By Simplyt83
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Research Process and Terminology Paper
TerryAnn Powell-Joyner
CJA 334
February 12, 2012
Stacey L. Callaway, Esq.

What is research? Research has any different definitions, but basically research is the investigation and gathering of information, data, and facts to gain knowledge on a specific subject. Research takes diligence, and where the information is found plays a big part on the credibility of the research. The research process involves ways and strategies that enable researchers to analyze and understand the researched information. The research process involves a dedicated system of scientific methodology that can be used by researchers to arrive at the right conclusions. Some terminology learned in this week’s reading includes statistics, population, census, sample, subjects, variables, margin of error, and bias. Statistics has many uses, but perhaps its most important purpose is to help us make good decisions about issues that involve uncertainty. Speaking of statistics, some may ask what statistics are. The meaning of statistics in singular form is the science that helps bring meaning and understanding to the collection, organization, and interpreting of data. When speaking of statistics in plural form it is the actual data that is used to describe the information. In the language of statistics, population refers to the statistical study of the entirety of the characteristic that the study is focused on. While population is usually seen as a group of people, in statistics population could be a group of animals or things in addition to people. The collection of data from individual members of a population is called a census. Due to populations being so large it becomes troublesome to conduct a census, so the data is typically gathered from a sample. When discussing population, sample is a term that will also stand out. According to

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